Men, ladies, veterans set for Alake yearly tourney

If you see yourself as a good golfer, then, Abeokuta Golf Club, Oke Mosan, is the place to be on February 25 and 25, 2022. These are the days set aside for one of the country’s grandest events, Alake Yearly Golf Tournament, which apart from the fun on the challenging course, participants have been assured of quality entertainment by a club known for being a class above excellent.

The 2022 Alake Golf Tournament, which is celebrating the 17th coronation anniversary of Oba Adedotun Gbadebo, Okukenu IV, Alake and Paramount Ruler of Egbaland, according to AGC Captain, Bashorun Ladi Adegbite, coincides with some of the biggest traditional rites in Egba kingdom.

Adegbite disclosed that all the committees saddled with responsibilities to ensure hitch free tournament are working day and night towards making the historical event a huge success.

He revealed that golfers from across the country will feature in the event, which tees off on February 25 and end on February 26, 2022, adding that the ceremonial tee off will be performed by the Alake.

Adegbite said: “Oando has sponsored the tournament for about 10 years and the success of the tournament can be attributed to their commitment to Alake, who happens to be its chairman, and the Egba people.

“This competition coincides with the popular Lisabi Festival, first to hold under my leadership. As captain, I promise that the tournament will experience tremendous improvement in all areas. Prizes and trophies will be presented to winners in different categories.”

AGC PRO/Social Secretary, Apagun Jimmy Orekoya, on his part, noted that golfers will vie for honours in various categories, including men’s and ladies, veterans, super veterans, guests and sponsors categories.

Orekoya revealed that the golf course is in good condition, adding that the club management is eagerly awaiting the arrival of golfers to celebrate the monarch.


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