May Day: NEMA urges renewed commitment to service

Zubaida Umar

Director General, National Emergency Management Agency, (NEMA), Zubaida Umar, has called for renewed commitment and dedication to service by civil servants in Nigeria especially those in disaster management and the humanitarian fields.

She stated this in a Workers’ Day congratulatory message to staff of the agency, yesterday in Abuja.

The DG noted that “May day is a day exclusively set aside by the comity of nations including our dear country Nigeria to honor the working class and commemorate their struggles for fair wages and working conditions.

“It is a moment of celebrating the dignity of labor while emphasizing the importance of renewing commitment to social justice.

“For us working in disaster management and relief operations to save lives, the job is becoming more complex and challenging with protracted, cyclical and emerging disasters in Nigeria just as obtained across the world.

She used the occasion to emphasize the need for a renewed commitment by all members of staff of the NEMA.

She tasked them to “m)Meet up with our noble responsibility of saving lives, giving hope to the distressed and supporting the Federal Government of Nigeria and indeed all tiers of governments to a build safer, dignified, more secured and resilient Nigeria.

“I want to assure you of the sincere commitment of management of NEMA towards the improvement of the welfare, safety and dignity of all NEMA staff as they make great sacrifices in the line of duty to save lives and restore normalcy even under the most extreme and uncertain conditions,” she assured.

Umar congratulate all workers while looking forward to renewed and collective commitment towards service to the nation.


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