Matawalle’s Aide donates food items, cash to APC supporters

The Special Adviser on Chieftaincy Affairs to Gov. Bello Matawalle of Zamfara, Alhaji Yusuf Zugu on Thursday donated food items, cash and other empowerment equipment to APC members in the state.

The benefiting beneficiaries were drawn from Bukkuyum and Gummi local Gvernment Areas of the state.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the gesture was presented to them few hours before the commencement of gubernatorial campaign rallies in the two LGAs.

The items included 25 motorcycles, 10 grinding machines, 10 POS machines, food items and cash to the APC supporters, political organisations and people with special needs.

The beneficiaries of the gesture were drawn from various APC support groups of the two LGAs.

According to Zugu, the food items were 450 bags of rice and N50,000 to each of the 10 beneficiaries of the POS machines.

He said that the gesture would go a long way in addressing the problems associated with unemployment and poverty the among beneficiaries.

“I decided to launch the programme in the two LGAs in order to canvass for more support for Matawalle’s second term bid and all APC candidates from the electorate.

“Matawalle’s APC-led administration in the state since its inception has been full of impact-bearing programmes indicating that he is highly needed for a second term,’ Zugu said.

He assured of the continued provision of dividends of democracy to the electorate in the area until a sizeable number benefit from the gesture.

Also speaking, an APC chieftain in the area and a former House of Representatives member, Alhaji Sani Takori, lauded the donor for the gesture, describing the it as timely.

Takori called on other political office holders to emulate Zugu for considering people at the grassroots.

“I urge you all to cast your votes for APC candidates at all levels in the forthcoming elections in order to reap more dividends of democracy,” Takori urged.

In their separate remarks, the Sole Administrators of Bukkuyum Local Government, Alhaji Bashir Mu’awiyya commended the donor for the gesture.

Two of the beneficiaries, Abubakar Dantabaru and Ummaru Gyalange, who spoke on behalf of the beneficiaries commended the governor’s aide for the gesture and promised judicious utilisation of the items given to them.


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