Married to a spouse who worries a lot 

Charles Ighele

Worrying shows lack of faith in God. Most people act as though worrying is an option. The average person is more concerned about things he does not have. Most times, our minds are filled with different worries, we worry about what to eat, what to wear or how to survive that we completely ignore God’s instruction to us that we should cast all our cares up on him.

Parents worry about taking care of their children. The youth worry about getting married and getting good jobs. Spouses worry about the things their partners do not have or cannot afford for the family. Some female spouses worry about childbirth, especially if after few months into their marriage and there are no signs of pregnancy, they worry all day. Some spouses worry about their defiant children. Others worry about their financial status. We all have one or two things to worry about. Medical experts have emphasised that worry and anxiety destroy our system. 

Worry causes sickness like high blood pressure. Spouses who worry a lot are liable to become victims of high blood pressure. Even Jesus Christ preached against worrying in Matt 6:25-27. Despite this, most spouses still find themselves battling with worry. They do not want to hand over their problems to God because they do not trust Him absolutely to see to their needs, so, if they cannot do anything about their situation, they fill their time with worries and fears. 

A good way to stop worrying is to focus on the good things you have and not the things you lack or what your spouse or children lack. If you do not have money to pay for your children’s school fees, think of the fact that you have children in the first place. Instead of worrying about health issues, thank God that you are alive. There are many things we have that we should be thankful for. 

Let us learn to fill our heart with thanks and remember to count all our blessings and when we do this, we will realise that our problems are small. Cast all your worries upon the lord. Bring them to God in prayers. Love you!


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