Look back! Every man is coming from somewhere

Stephen Wolemonwu

Man is created to move. He moves in age, status, location, business, and desires. This movement is either upward or downward. Sometimes, it is either progressive or regressive. You are here today not because you have been here all these while. You are here today, and there is no guarantee that you will remain here forever. All men must move and will certainly move either forward or backward someday.

Beware! Not Every Location Is A Destination
This location is not destination – Deut. 24:18. Israel was in Egypt as a slave, but the Egyptians never knew that the slave they kept at the time was a prince of the Most High God; neither did it come to their thought that one day this slave will be delivered from slavery. There is a way someone would be enslaved that he gets accustomed with slavery or his taskmaster may lose consciousness of his possible freedom.

Hear Me! If Men Knew What Your Future Holds:
• They would make sure your good future is never actualised.
• If it is possible they would sniff the life, off you.
• Or maybe they could have treated you differently.
Where are you presently? Who are you now? What are you now?
Life is progressive – There is movement in the journey of life. M. O. V. E. M. E. N. T
M – Murmur not, it weakens you.
O – Objectively understand where you are, it helps.
V – Vehemently desire to leave places that limit you.
E – Endure what you see now, it is temporal.
M – Make effort to stand, it is possible to stand.
E – Endeavour to leave – when you see the opportunity to do so. Note: (If you do not leave, you may not live)
N – Never slack back, it destroys the future.
T – Take every opportunity serious, it opens more doors and refreshes.

Movement Of Anyone Is Possible
Always know that anybody can move – Deut.24:17. That you see someone in a place, today, does not mean the person will be there forever. Life is progressive. Your slave, today, may become your king tommorrow – don’t underestimate the power of change.

• Be careful of how you treat people.
• Make allowances to tolerate other people’s mistakes.
• Make provision for the time of lack.
• Intentionally forget that others may gain.
• Don’t plan and don’t plot to sweep all, let there be crumbs and fall outs.
Note: The crumbs you left for others are their wealth today. Let them enjoy it, they will remember it when things turn around for good for them.

Tips About Life Movements
• Anybody can have a twist in the journey of life.
• The journey of life cannot be 100 per cent predictable.
• Prepare your mind for the big and small that life may bring.
• See your state now as divine gifts and not a permanent natural endowment.
• Don’t consider natural endowment as personal effort.
• Respect those you may overtake in the journey of life; the front position could be anyone’s position.
• Don’t forget where you came from least you forget the directions of your journey.
• Always have a remembrance of your take off point — anyone can take off at anytime.
• The take-off time of anybody is not in your hand, but in God’s hand watch your pride.
• Be an encouragement to those coming behind you, never set a stumbling block or break the bridge that enabled you to crossover.
• As you leave a position to the next, build a staircase, set a stepping stones, you may need it someday. Avoid building obstacle.

Fulfillment In The Journey Of Life
2 Peter 3:8, “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
One day is more than enough for God to do anything. If God has said it, then it can only delay, but it must certainly come to pass. The delay you must know is not God’s activity and plan, but that of man’s ignorance and response. God has a set time —
Psalm 102:13, “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favour her; yes, the set time, has come.”
The Set Time: Is truly not a clock time, but the time the individual is set — ready, prepared.

How To Be Set For God’s Visitation
• Hunger for visitation.
Whatever God does, He does in response to man’s hunger — Genesis 27:40. The word ‘dominion’ suggests — you have mastered your weakness, you are in charge of your territory, you dislike what you see, you have a craving, you are restless with average.
• Never settle with failure or average, Genesis 11:1-3.
They settled for ‘plain at Shinar’ when God’s plan was the whole earth – Gen. 1:26.
Approaching the day of visitation – the day is there. You either move towards it or move away from it – Gen. 28:10-22.

Therefore, approach it through:
• Prayer
• Dedication
• Seed sowing
• Don’t be anxious over nothing
• Speaking your faith and dreams into manifestation
• Have faith in God.
Overcoming The Force Called ‘Now’ In The Journey Of Life (Philippians 3:13-14)
The word of God spoken to us is to keep us fit for God’s promises and plans. He is once more encouraging us to be aware of a force, an enemy called ‘Now.’
Overcoming the Force called ‘Now’! Man is a being of expectation. The worst part of man is when his expectation is not achieved.
What Is NOW?

This has to do with the present. The present condition, the present situation, the actual state of things; is the Now. Now is like a being with a voice. It says: why this delay, why not now, how long, time is passing. My condition is really bitter or better.
Sometimes, it feels like the present is a permanent situation. In applying the Pauline principle, God’s call is to us all — leaving what is behind and pressing forward.
• It is not a destination. “I do not count myself to have apprehended.”

Life is a journey; keep moving!
Whatever it is now, keep hope alive so that you can be alive.
Whatever you have seen or seeing, it is just a process; you have not arrived your destination.

• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State (08035413812)
• Forget your failures or success – “One thing I do, forgetting those things, which is behind.”

Whatever it is today, is expiring, what the future holds is greater.
What does the future holds? God’s promises – 2 Cor. 1:20.
“For all the promises of God in Him are yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” Not to our glory, but to His. It will be fulfilled through us. Because we have these promises, God says: 2 Cor. 7:1 (see 6:17-18). Sometimes, between the promises and the set time, there is a gap.

This is what to do – Heb. 6:10-15.
• Endure.
• Wait.
• You will obtain.
“The result of believing God’s promises is ‘E-ndure, W-ait, O-btain’ E.W.O. Beloved – judge Him faithful who has promised you – Heb. 11:11.
Now – Reach forward to those things, which are ahead – Phil. 3:13. What is that? God will favour you – Psalm 102:3, May God favour you and May His promises come to pass in your life.
Authority Over Oppositions (Luke 10:18-19)
Life is bettered by experience. Challenges I will say are the spice of life. The two important words in our discussion are ‘authority’ and ‘opposition.’

What Is Authority?
Another word for authority is power, but unlike power, authority is beyond strength or skill. It deals with right, backing. When one is given authority, that person’s age, sex, qualifications are non-consequential.
Dictionary.com defines it to mean – the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. It is a political or administrative power and control.

What Is Opposition?
This is defined as resistance expressed in action or argument. It is synonymous to hostility, antagonism, enmity, objection, criticism and obstruction.
God wants us to understand that in life the devil has raised and empowered elements to resist us.
In Exodus 14:15, God was telling the Israelites to move forward, but the Red Sea was raising an objection. It was criticising their number, age, sex and physical strength. And obstructed their movement and wanted to kill their will power to freedom.
Amid these, God called to Moses and said: “lift up your Rod,” Ex. 14:15b.

What Is It About This Rod?
To Moses, it was a mere ‘Rod’ (Ex. 4:2), but by the breath of God and at His command it became a miraculous weapon (Ex. 4:3-4, 7:1, 8-12, 14:16, 21, 27).
Know This!
God has given us authority. It may look ordinary, but by God’s breath it is extra ordinary. It may look natural, but when God is involved it becomes super-natural.
Who Is Entitled To It? John 1:12.
Note: you must first receive Jesus. When you receive Him, Himself will give you authority, right, power to become a child of God. As a child of God, the ordinary in you becomes extra-ordinary.

Facts About Opposition
Hear me!
• Opposition introduces and announces everyman’s position.
• When oppositions oppose you, don’t take position with them, else they will dispose you of your position.
• Oppositions do not oppose you because they are better, rather they do, so, to distract you from achieving great things.
• Opposition wants to gain level ground with you or better more reduce you to a lower class.
• It wants you to make little or no progress.This year, God is saying (Hosea 10:12).
• Sow yourself righteousness (not for another). Concentrate more on your walk with Him and on your work for Him not on another.
• Reap in mercy — Matt. 5:7: “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy).
• Break up your fallow ground. Deal with the opposition by taking time to seek the Lord. It is time to seek the Lord, stop procrastinating.

The Rod
• It was the weapon to guide.
• An instrument of defense.
• A support to the aged.
• A symbol of authority.
• A symbol of chastisement.

What Are You Doing With Your Rod?
• It is time to use it.
• It is time to stretch it over the red sea.
• It is time to demonstrate it.
• It is time to discover its power.
If only you will allow the Lord, this month shall be your month of evidence.
• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State (08035413812)


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