LASG plans fresh investment in science, technology development

Commissioner for Science and Technology, Hakeem Fahm

Lagos State Government has stressed the importance of science and technology in the nation’s development, especially at state level, stressing that it is committed to significantly invest in it.
The Commissioner for Science and Technology,Lagos State, Hakeem Fahm, disclosed this in Lagos, when the state commemorated the Year 2022 World Science Day for Peace and Development.
The World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated every year on November 10 and was established by UNESCO in 2001 with the aim of highlighting the important role of science in the society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging and important contemporary issues relevant to science.
Lagos however, said the celebration remains ongoing, stressing that while it was marked with some activities last year, the major event of celebration was held by the state, yesterday.
Fahm said the THEMES Agenda of the Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu led-administration emphasises the need to equip students with the knowledge and skills for the 21st century, and in line with this agenda, adequate attention is being given to providing well-equipped science laboratories in schools across the State.
He reiterated that science and technology remain key enablers to transform socio-economic development and that this administration is committed to delivering good governance and improving the lives of Lagosians.
‘Our goal to achieve technological advancement can only be realised if we encourage the study of science subjects in our schools’, Fahm noted.
He added that for any nation to grow, science must provide ways for the application of technology and we must strengthen the application of technology, especially within our schools as the students are the leaders of tomorrow.
Fahm emphasised that the World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues.
The Commissioner said that the science challenge is crucial in improving the productivity of youths and more importantly, that the current administration will continue to support science and create an enabling environment through policies and initiatives.
“Creative thinking capacity of our youths can be expressed and productively harnessed through encouragement, capacity building and maximisation of potentials and an enabling environment, as the state will not relent in its effort in providing well equipped science laboratories in schools,’” he  added.
On his part, the Chairman, House Committee on Science and Technology, Olanrewaju Afinni, said that World Science Day aimed at encouraging young scientists to get involved in the field of Science.

Afinni urged stakeholders to continue to maintain the objectives of World Science Day for Peace and Development by strengthening public awareness on the role of science for peaceful and sustainable society, renew national and international commitment for use of science for the benefit of societies as well as draw attention to the challenges faced by science and raising support for scientific endeavour.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ibilola Kasunmu, in her welcome address said the Y2022 WSD, themed: ‘’Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development ‘’ offers the opportunity to mobilize all actors around the topic of science for peace and development –from government officials to the media to school pupils.
Kasunmu, an engineer, informed that UNESCO strongly encourages all to join in celebrating World Science Day for Peace and Development by organizing their own event and activity on a chosen day, hence the State has chosen today to commemorate the Celebration of Y2022 World Science Day.
She said Lagos State Government has introduced the initiative of mitigating the effects of carbon footprint by involving the Secondary School students in a competition called Science challenge with the theme:  ‘Reducing the carbon footprint of Lagos State,’ where students bring up initiatives that can combat or mitigate the effects of carbon.
The Permanent Secretary briefed that over300 entries/initiatives were received and the best 10 initiatives were selected for today’s Grand Finale/Award Ceremony, who are regarded as Y2022 World Science Day Ambassadors.
Schools that took the 4th to 10th positions received one Projector and one Screen each while 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions received one Interactive Board, one Laptop and one Projector each.

All the Schools that participated in the competition received certificates.



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