Lalong accuses herders, farmers of bearing rifles

Plateau State Governor Simon Lalong
Carrying of AK-47 rifles is not the exclusive preserve of Fulani herdsmen, as local farmers also bear same, says Governor of Plateau State, Simon Lalong.

According to him, the proliferation of firearms in the country has trickled down to both herdsmen and farmers.

The Chairman of the Northern State Governors’ Forum (NSGF) stated this when he featured on the Silverbird Television’s ‘Arise Daily’ yesterday.

Lalong said the development became more pronounced during the heated debate on whether to adopt Rural Grazing Area (RUGA) or ranching in which stakeholders believed that the two policies belonged to some ethnic nationalities.

BUT Plateau chapter of All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) countered that no farmer had been arrested with AK-47 in the state.

Chairman of the association, John Wuyep, disclosed this to The Guardian yesterday in Jos.
Wuyep was reacting to Lalong, who argued that both herders and farmer in the country bear arms.

According to Wuyep, carrying AK-47 by civilians is a big offence.

“Farmers in the state are law-abiding; they go about their businesses peacefully.

“So far, in Plateau, there has been no reported case of any farmer caught with AK-47 or any weapon,” he added.


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