Lagos Mainland residents extol lawmaker over food distribution

Moshood Oshun

Residents of Lagos Mainland have extolled the House of Representatives member for Lagos Mainland Federal Constituency, Moshood Oshun, for distributing food packs to about 8,500 persons in his constituency.

The beneficiaries were the vulnerable, drawn from community development associations, body of artisans, schools, and religious groups. Each of the beneficiaries received a pack containing rice, semovita, spaghetti, garri, noodles, sugar and salt.

One of the beneficiaries, Christiana Ebifemi, a fashion designer, said she was selected by her trade. She commended the lawmaker and the Federal Government for the gesture, saying it would help many, like her, to meet part of their food needs.

Oshun said the distribution was a directive from the Presidency to lawmakers. He said it was taking place with the assistance of the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture.

He said: “It’s just the government’s way to ameliorate the suffering of the people. Things are a bit difficult in the country at the moment, so we are just trying to assist the people.”

Oshun said he did something similar in December when he distributed 5,000 food packs to members of his constituency. A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Adeyemi Michael Kayode, commended the lawmaker for following through with the directive, and not diverting the packs for personal use.


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