Jihadists kills 17 regime fighters in central Syria

Map of Syria. Image source lonelyplanet
Map of Syria. Image source lonelyplanet

Jihadists of the Islamic State group killed 17 soldiers and pro-regime fighters on Thursday in attacks on checkpoints in the central province of Homs, a monitoring group said.

“At least 17 soldiers and pro-regime militiamen were killed in attacks by IS on checkpoints in Umm Tababir and Hannura” in the eastern desert region of the province, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

It said three of the soldiers were beheaded and that the assailants, who suffered an unknown number of fatalities, seized arms and ammunition in the raids.

IS has been stepping up attacks in the east of the mainly regime-held province. On March 29, its fighters killed 20 soldiers and militiamen in the same area.


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