‘It’s only God that can bring peace to a troubled home’ 


The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries, last Sunday, ended its crusade themed, “God That Does What No Man Can Do.” The two-day programme held at the church’s headquarters in Ijesha, Lagos, attracted participants from all walks of life, including the former Head of State, Dr. Yakubu Gowon, who was the special guest. Pastor Samuel Sanusi, who represented Gowon, read his goodwill message, which centred on restoration and great explosion of the nation. Speaking to journalists, the General Overseer of the church, Pastor Lazarus Muoka, appealed to the Federal Government to release Nnamdi Kanu and rebuild the Ijesha pedestrian bridge. He also spoke on other issues. CHRIS IREKAMBA was there

How important is this crusade to Nigerians, especially now that a new administration is in power?
At every point in time God rules the earth by the prophecy and word of His servant. As long as God has designed this programme, it means He has something very important to achieve in the lives of the people, which is why the Bible says: “By a prophet God brought Israelites out of Egypt, by a prophet also He preserved them in the wilderness.”

This is to say that they were all guided by the words of the prophet. And so, what we have on ground is the programme and project of God. We believe God has something for humanity at large. We should also know that very shortly the trumpet would sound. Remember, there are many things standing in the way of the people and those obstacles, which appear humanly impossible will all roll away when they would be presented to God. In this programme, we believe that anything man cannot do, God definitely has the answers. He has answers to all our problems. In this ministry, we believe it is only God that can help man to do that which no man can do. For men’s souls to be saved and raptured at the end of time, man cannot do it, only God that can do it.

There are many problems that the devil has put into people’s lives, and to overcome them you must rely on God. The Bible says: “In the last days, perilous times shall come, dangerous times.” We are currently experiencing the prophecy of the end time and we want to grab every opportunity given to us by God to preach the gospel to every soul; let people know that God is the only creator that can solve man’s problems. Therefore, we need God’s intervention to solve the problems that we are all witnessing today in our society.

Considering the theme of this programme, “God That Does What No Man Can Do,” and having listened to the striking testimonies of people since the programme started on Saturday, June 24, and today being Sunday, it is very clear that those impossible problems can only be taken care of by God. In those unbelievable testimonies shared by the people concerned, God rolled away their problems. These are the things that we are celebrating in this crusade since Saturday. God healed people and delivered a lot of them from difficult situations. So, we believe that God will continue to do in this ministry all He had done in this crusade.

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu, has been in detention for a while and the man is crying for help. As a man of God who has been preaching for peace to reign in the country, what is your position on this?
In the interest of peace and reconciliation, I appeal or passionately plead to the Federal Government to release him. This will enable the South East that has been experiencing some killings and all manner of crises as a result of Kanu’s detention to be at peace. I pray, may God Almighty touch the heart of our leader to do so.

Are you saying Kanu’s release will restore peace in the South East?    
Definitely yes! Once he is released, I believe all these killings and crises that have disrupted peace and progress in the region will stop.

For some time now, Ijesha pedestrian bridge has been in a terrible state, making pedestrians resort to crossing the expressway. As a result of this, many have been killed and injured while crossing the major road. Is there any plan to fix the bridge and save lives?
That particular bridge is so strategic in the sense that many people make use of it on a daily basis. People who are going towards FESTAC town or Ijesha communities use it instead of crossing the main road to get to their destinations. We have many churches around here and members of these churches make use of this bridge too. Some years ago, when the bridge was in bad condition, the Federal Government did not waste time to fix it. We are appealing to the authorities concerned to please come to our aid and fix the bridge again.

Would it not be proper for churches in the area to come together and fix the bridge?
The bridge is the government’s project and not the churches’, which is why we are appealing to the Federal Government to intervene and save lives. We shall continue to pray for the government to succeed in its objectives. Our duty is to pray for our nation and our rulers, while our rulers are to take care of us. And part of what they are to do is to fix the bridge for the users.

What is your message to Nigerians?
My advice is that Nigerians should draw closer to God, fear Him and also know that He is the only one that can bring peace to a troubled home or nation. They should be born again, live according to God’s will and get ready for the rapture because Jesus is coming very soon.


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