Is It Time to Leave Juice Cleanses Behind?


The idea of cleaning up your bowel and mopping up toxins with juice makes perfect sense. Organic foods and fruits provided by God will always trump man-made, half-plastic food options. Right?

That may not always be true. Fruits and vegetables, GMO or not, will always be healthier than processed foods like canned beans, cereals, and pre-packaged meals. However, this does not mean that you can never go wrong with fruits and vegetables. The idea may seem foreign, but it is possible to overdose on fruit, the same way you would overdose on a drug.

This owes to the fact that many fruits contain a handful of active components which keep you looking fresh and healthy, provided you stick to the acceptable daily amount.

Juice cleansing typically involves chugging the juicy extract of fruits and leafy vegetables for their nutrients, leaving behind the pulp and dietary fiber which fills you up and contributes to bowel movement. The major reason for juice cleansing is weight loss. 

Pros; Why A Juice Cleanse?

Despite the claims that juice cleansing is a kind of healthy lifestyle adaptation, it resembles an unhealthy obsession with weight loss. To juice cleanse, you must drink only the fresh extract of a fruit or vegetable for not less than 3 days, and usually not exceeding 3 months. A juice cleanse will help you do the following:

  1. Stock up on vitamins and minerals
  2. Enhance immunity 
  3. Help you “feel” lighter and more refreshed
  4. Lose some weight

Yes, a juice cleanse will detoxify your body. The issue is, your body does that well enough on its own. A cup or two of juice a day is more than enough help, thank you.

Cons; What’s the Worst That Can Happen

Too much of even a good thing is bad. A juice-only diet is strict, and the sugar derived from fruits is not nearly sufficient for your daily needs. This is the idea behind Juice cleanses for weight loss.

Overdosing on juices may lead to the following:

  1. Formation of oxalate crystals in the kidney
  2. Rebound weight gain
  3. Tiredness and irritability
  4. Eating disorders

The apparent weight loss during a juice cleanse may be due to muscle wasting, which further slows metabolism. Thus when you resume your usual feeding, you’ll add weight more easily.


Dedicating a whole week to drinking juices alone isn’t healthy. To achieve better, longer-lasting results, blend or eat the entire fruit (along with the fiber) with a balanced diet.


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