IPOB rejects ranching in S’East, urges govs to defy presidential order


The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has condemned a recent directive by President Bola Tinubu calling on governors to allocate land for cattle ranching purposes.

In a statement issued by the spokesman of the group, Emma Powerful, IPOB declared its opposition to the proposal.The statement emphasised the group’s stance that no land within the Southeast region would be ceded for ranching or agricultural use by “external forces.”

The statement reads: “The attention of IPOB has been drawn to a call from Tinubu to the governors to provide land in each state for ranching.
IPOB considers such a call as a great disservice to the people who have been massacred by the same foreign marauding terrorists called herdsmen.

“The media, yesterday, reported that the President made the call during a political inauguration of his agricultural programme in Niger State, where he was said to have asked the governors to provide land for RUGA and ranches.

“Perhaps the President has forgotten that political campaigns, where promises are made to win elections, are over. The recent call to provide land for agriculture is not in good fate, because it will embolden terrorist herdsmen.

“Nevertheless, IPOB will never allow ceding or selling any part of our ancestral land to these dangerous terrorists and bandits for whatever reason. The Biafra region has no land for whatever purpose. Biafrans are farmers and pastoralists too.

“Our lands are not sufficient for Biafrans to farm and rear livestock, let alone ceding some to the dangerous terrorists. Tinubu can cede lands in the Southwest and the North, but definitely not in the Southeast and South-South.”

The group also calls on people in the Southwest and Middle Belt regions to reject the ranching initiative, suggesting dire consequences for any region that allows it.


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