Insecurity: Coalition calls for removal of NSA Monguno

National Security Adviser, Babagana Monguno

The Coalition of Civil Society Groups Against Terrorism in Nigeria has issued a statement demanding the immediate dismissal of Mohammed Babagana Monguno, the National Security Adviser (NSA) to former President Muhammadu Buhari. Comrade Oladimeji Odeyemi, the chairman of the coalition, expressed concerns over Monguno’s limited capacity in security processes and suggested that he may be one of the reasons for the Buhari administration’s challenges in tackling insecurity, despite the efforts of the country’s service chiefs and combatants.

In their statement released in Abuja, the coalition questioned Monguno’s suitability for the role, stating, “Fighting insecurity, gathering intelligence, providing strategic direction, tactical management, security planning, and coordination of the nation’s security and advising the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces on security issues are far beyond wearing expensive designer suits and tuxedos, which seem to be the pastime of the present NSA.”

The coalition also expressed reservations about General Monguno’s attempt to patronize President Bola Tinubu by inviting him for a tour of the newly built office of the National Security Adviser and facilities at the National Counter Terrorism Center in Abuja. They called for transparency regarding the actual cost of the facility, emphasizing the importance of disclosing such information to the public while maintaining national security interests.

While the coalition acknowledged the need for infrastructure development and suitable offices for security agencies, they argued that the substantial funds allocated to the construction of the office could have been better used for procuring more arms and ammunition for the Armed Forces of Nigeria. They questioned Monguno’s proactive approach to national security and raised concerns about his motivations for lobbying and patronizing President Bola Tinubu.

The coalition further highlighted instances where Monguno displayed a lack of teamwork and a manipulative character. They referenced leaked memos accusing the late Chief of Staff, Mallam Abba Kyari, of interfering in military affairs and the counter-insurgency war. The coalition criticized Monguno for leaking these memos to the media, undermining his commander-in-chief, and displaying opportunism and ambition.

Additionally, the coalition pointed out a history of conflicts between Monguno and various service chiefs. They cited an interview in which Monguno reportedly made claims about funds meant for arms procurement under the previous service chiefs. After facing public outcry, Monguno dismissed his earlier comment, stating that he was quoted out of context.

The coalition argued that “such divisive behaviour” make Monguno unfit to continue serving as the NSA to President Tinubu. They urged for his immediate removal and suggested the appointment of an NSA who is mobile, well-informed, respected in military and intelligence circles, and capable of effectively coordinating the country’s security agencies without personal agenda.


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