INEC urged to remain impartial, ensure level playing ground for candidates

The Total Support For The Rule of Law and Justice Initiatives has enjoined the authorities of the independent national electoral commission (INEC) to remain impartial with the general elections around the corner.

The director of legal of the group, Mr Chidi Odo who spoke to reporters in Abuja remarked that it behoves INEC to ensure that candidates jostling for various elective seats in the country are given a level playing ground to actualise their aspirations.

The group particularly stressed the need for INEC to endeavour to live up to the expectations of President Muhammad Buhari on the need to ensure a free, fair and credible election.

The group particularly decry the Position of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in suit FHC/ABJ/CS/2291/2022 Between Chief Sam Ekwueme & 1 Anor Vs Peoples Democratic Party 2 others at the Federal High Court in Abuja.

The group alleged that in a very strange manner, INEC has now taken up the job of the 1st and 2nd Defendants in a Court Process filed and dated 30/01/2023 in an open display of shame and impunity.

The group further noted that it was disheartening that the Commission will take such a decision to side with a candidate against another Party in an Election that they are going to conduct.

It noted: “The Position of the Independent National Electoral Commission in the process so filed by A. S Subair and Olaniyi Anjori of Counsel is unacceptable to be the Position of an independent umpire and we call on the Chairman of Independent National Commission to immediately debrief the lawyers and watch the dirty colour they have painted the Commission as their documents evidenced bias, compromise and an impartial umpire.

“With the Position so far taken by the Commission, there is nothing to hide that the Commission has chosen Rt. Hon. Martins Okey is their choice of Candidate and working hard to protect him.

“We have so far written a letter dated 1/02/2023 and delivered the same day to the Chairman of the Commission bringing the disaster to his notice.

“It may be necessary that we let you understand that the instant case is not a Post-Election case where Candidates and Party contest the validity of the Election the Commission conducted but this is a Pre-Election case preparatory to the General Election wherein the Commission must maintain a high level of discipline, transparency, impartiality and decorum in dealings with all Parties pending election.

“The action of the Commission if not retracted within twenty-four hours is a pointer that the Commission has a preferred Candidate for Igbo Etiti/Uzo Uwani Federal Constituency and that portends danger in the electoral system.

“The officers involved should be punished to serve as a deterrent that in future no officer will try to compromise the Commission. We condemn the biased and compromised position of the Independent National Electoral Commission in the case and plead that no one should please instigate any crisis in our only Country as we approach the 25th February 2023 election.”

The group thereby demanded the disengagement of the services of A. S. Subair and Olaniyi Ajori as INEC counsel on the basis that they have compromised the neutrality of the Commission.

The group further sought the review of the processes so far filed by INEC on the issue to conform with neutrality and fairness to all parties and an investigation of the individuals involve and making such report open.

Recall that the Plaintiffs, Chief Sam Ekwueme and the All Progressives Congress had approached the Court seeking for nullification of the candidature of Rt. Hon. Martins Okey, a serving Member of the Federal House of Representatives and Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party sued as Defendant in the suit on the ground of the failure of the Peoples Democratic Party to comply with section 77(3) of the Electoral Act, (As amended) which made it mandatory that Peoples Democratic Party must submit their its Party Register not later than 30 days to its Primary Election.

INEC was joined in that suit as a statutory body established for the conduct of elections in Nigeria and also to monitor and regulate the activities of Political Parties.


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