I will boost Imo economy, ensure food security, says Ojiri

A LARGE crowd of Accord Party supporters last Wednesday gathered at the St Mary’s Primary School field Amaifeke, Orlu Local Council of Imo State where

At the flag-off of Accord Party governorship campaign rally , the flag-bearer , Mr. Ken Ojiri pledged to boost the economy of the state and ensure food security.

 Speaking after receiving  the party’s flag from  the state party chairman, Elder ThankGod Ibe,  the gubernatorial hopeful told the electorate to vote for the party’s candidates in the elections, describing the Accord Party as not just an ordinary party but a movement, yet a party for the future and urged them to join the party. According to him, most members of the party are escapees from Peoples Democratic Party and All Progressives Congress.

 Ojiri said: “You are aware that there is hunger and poverty in the land. What we will do in 2015 is to drastically reduce poverty and put food on the table of Imolites.” 

 To achieve that goal, he stressed that his administration will start with agriculture as Imo has abundant land and human resources, which if effectively employed, will deliver the goal. 

Ojiri announced his second agenda to ensure free qualitative education at all levels by making beneficiaries be highly competitive in the global market such that those who pass through the state education system would have gainful employment anywhere in the world.

 He also said his administration would pay attention to skills development to boost human capital development, employment and wealth creation and strengthen public institutions- the civil service, the local government system, the judiciary- as well as ensure security of life of and property of citizens .

Ojiri, who is a chartered financial controller with several years of experience managing big time conglomerate finances and multi-nationals in the oil, gas and energy sectors across the globe, said he will give solution to the state’s financial mess, consolidate the economy and fast-track development through frugal management of resources. 

 As he put it: “All monies will be fully employed to get our youths fully engaged to be responsible income earners themselves. This is the change we need in the politics of Imo State.” The governorship front-runner, given the backlog of political infighting, confidence crises, waning popularity rocking PDP, APC and APGA commended them and introduced his team of contestants for the various elective positions. 

 His running-mate, Dr Fabian Ihekweme used the forum to tell the people of the state how the economy of Imo State has been battered .

