I focus on helping Nigerians find their dream homes – Realtor, Paul Uwakwe

Arinze Paul Uwakwe, a seasoned realtor in the Nigerian real estate industry, has shared insights into his journey and the motivation behind his thriving career.

Arinze, who has a personal brand, grew up in the bustling neighborhood of Eweonwu Street in Awka Road Onitsha, Anambra State. “I got my entrepreneurial spirit from my grandfather,” he revealed, attributing his drive to help Nigerians make better decisions when purchasing their dream homes.

Reflecting on his career, Paul discussed the challenges and rewards of the real estate business. “I have started working as a realtor for over five years now and with my experience I will tell you it’s not an easy feat. I have been able to go through the process and it’s a journey I enjoy and love doing,” he said. His motivation stems from a deep-seated ‘why’—the desire to assist Nigerians in securing good and luxury homes with a seamless transaction process.

Paul’s inspiration sources are his goals and plans. “I generate new ideas by working on my goals and plans to help Nigeria achieve more,” he stated. His mentors and role models include notable figures such as Prince Arthur Eze and Stephen Akintayo, who have significantly influenced his approach to business.

In terms of accomplishments, Paul has worked in the sales departments of several companies in Enugu and Owerri and has been recognized as the best realtor. “Integrity and high customer satisfaction” are the guarantees he offers to clients, ensuring a secure and satisfactory home-buying experience.

When asked about changes he would make if he could go back, Paul expressed a desire to have leveraged online platforms earlier to reach and help more Nigerians. His commitment to serving both local and diaspora clients is unwavering. “I want people to know that I’m ready to serve Nigeria better, both the ones home and abroad, and I’m dedicated to making the home buying process easy and secure,” he affirmed.

Paul’s journey is a testament to the impact of dedication and the desire to make a difference in the real estate sector, shaping a better future for home buyers in Nigeria.


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