I don’t have any political ambition, please disregard rumours – Ken Ifekudu

In a world where rumors often circulate faster than truths, it becomes necessary for individuals to set the record straight. High Chief Kenneth Ejiofor Ifekudu OFR, a renowned businessman and philanthropist in Nigeria, finds himself in such a predicament.

Recent speculations have emerged suggesting his interest in political ambitions, particularly in the upcoming gubernatorial elections. However, Chief Ifekudu is adamant in dispelling these rumors, reaffirming his commitment to his current endeavors and emphasizing his lack of interest in pursuing a political career.

Chief Ifekudu’s contributions to various sectors of the Nigerian economy, notably construction and real estate through his company, Diamond Leeds Ltd, have earned him recognition and accolades. Recently honored as the Sun Newspaper Businessman, Chief Ifekudu expressed his gratitude for the acknowledgment of his efforts, viewing it as motivation to continue his philanthropic endeavors.

Addressing the rumors regarding his alleged political aspirations, Chief Ifekudu unequivocally stated his disinterest in pursuing any political appointment or candidacy. He emphasized his role as a busy entrepreneur, highlighting the potential distractions and conflicts that would arise from entering the political arena. For Chief Ifekudu, maintaining focus on his business ventures and philanthropy takes precedence over any political ambitions.

Furthermore, Chief Ifekudu questioned the notion that philanthropy should be a prerequisite for leadership, stating that his charitable acts stem from personal values and experiences rather than a desire for political influence. He urged the people of Anambra to dismiss the rumors surrounding his purported governorship ambitions, asserting that he has no intention, now or in the future, of seeking political office


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