HURIWA kicks over alleged double dealing by Rabiatu Sageer in breach of the law

A view from outside the United Nations building in New York City. (Photo by Monika Graff/Getty Images)

.Decry alleged cover -up of infractions

The Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has faulted the United Nations (UN) for turning a blind eye to alleged committal of infractions by a senior officer of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Dr. Rabiatu Sageer in breach of the law.

HURIWA’s National coordinator, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko in a statement claimed he is in possession of evidence in which Sageer is found wanting of double dealing in breach of UN policy.

The HURIWA chief stated that he was privy to information that Dr. Sageer accepted payments from the Nigerian government for her role in Hajj missions organized by the government in 2018 and 2019 in breach of extant provision of UN rules and regulations.

The rights group maintained that the development is a clear case of an apparent culture of impunity taken too far.

The rights group noted: ” Documents show that Dr. Sageer, who was providing medical services as part of the government’s medical team during these missions, allegedly received 800 Saudi Riyal (SR) per trip as payment for her services.

“Dr. Sageer’s alleged actions if established to be true after a thorough investigation, seem to be in violation of multiple UN policies, including regulations on outside employment and acceptance of gifts or remuneration from governments.

“Specifically, UN policy ST/AI/2000/13, Section 3, prohibits staff from engaging in any outside occupation or employment, remunerated or not, without the approval of the Secretary-General. Similarly, UN policy ST/SGB/2018/1 (j) and (m) prohibit staff from accepting any honour, decoration, favour, gift, or remuneration from any government if it poses a conflict of interest.

“Despite these regulations, allegations have been made that senior management within the UN may be protecting Dr. Sageer, raising concerns about a possible cover-up.

“This, coupled with the allegations presented in the BBC documentary, have led to growing calls for a comprehensive investigation into the UN’s alleged violations of its own policies; HUMAN RIGHTS WRITERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA (HURIWA) disclosed in a media release endorsed by Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko its Executive Director.

“The UN has long prided itself on its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of conduct, integrity, and ethical behaviour. However, these recent allegations suggest a troubling double standard where senior staff members may be shielded from the consequences of their actions, while other employees are penalised based on mere rumours.

“As the world’s premier international organisation, the UN cannot afford to let these allegations go unanswered. It must take decisive action to investigate and address these issues. Only by doing so can it regain the trust of its employees and the global community it serves.

“The UN has yet to respond to the allegations against Dr. Sageer, but the growing call for transparency and accountability cannot be ignored.

” The world is watching, and it’s time for the UN to live up to its promise of upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity just as HURIWA is challenging the UN Country office in Nigeria to probe this allegations and act accordingly if verified.”
