How To Fix A Regimen For You And Your Hair

We all know handling natural hair can be really tiring and stressful. So what should we do to fix this problem? We fix a regimen/schedule for hair care. So that we have time for it while it doesn’t affect our day to day life and activities.

Setting a regimen can be difficult at first but once you get consistent, it gets easy and it’ll be like brushing your teeth every morning. Plus once you know what your hair likes and needs, it also makes things really quick and easy for you.

So how do we set a regimen?
We look at our activities…like a 9-5 or 7/8-5/6 if it’s school or bank jobs or other jobs that require you to leave home early and come back late. If it’s that way, one should do most things at night so it’s easy to style and just leave the house in the morning. I’m going to give an example of a regimen below.

Daily Care
Night – moisturize (LOC/LCO) hair at night. Put hair in huge twists or braids or a band the hair (using Rubber bands to stretch), wear satin Bonnet and sleep.

Morning – massage a little coconut oil in palms, then “untwist”, loosen, “unband” hair and style in whatever style you choose.

If you have issues styling, you could just do mini or tiny twists on Saturday/Sunday, carry the whole week. Only thing is you’d have to Moisturise and seal at night or in the morning.

You can cowash (washing hair with conditioner only) once a week and do a light moisturizing deep conditioning right after. Wash with Shampoo and conditioner once a month, protein treatment right after and a moisturizing deep conditioning too. This should be done on weekends, obviously. Prepoo should be done before wash day and hot oil treatments can be done once a week. Like Friday nights into Saturday morning. And also protective styles help manage your hair for you. Like braids, weaves, twists, crochet braids, locs. But it’s necessary to not leave in protective styles in too long as they may cause breakage and dryness. It’s also necessary to care for your hair while it’s in a protective style.

If you need a solid regimen, find out what your hair likes, stick with it, it gets really easy over time. Also you should take a mini spray bottle with you to work, so you can always spritz when necessary. Always satin bonnet at night before you sleep so it’ll prevent breakage and split ends also so you dont lose Any moisture that you’ve kept in your hair.

Natural hair doesn’t have to be a problem. Once you know your hair, everything else falls into place. I hope this has helped in some way. Any questions can be directed to the comments section or on Twitter (@Kinkyparadiseng).

Until next time, peace, love and carefree hair.




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