How to become a better writer


Shosanya Babatunde Oluwaseyi a prolific writer, historian, scholar, researcher and former Head of Music at British international School, Lekki, Lagos, has provided a few nuggets on how to become a better writer.

Better writing is a powerful tool that has been in used to communicate messages across the universe. Becoming a better writer is hard and takes a lot of work. However, it is doable. A quote credited to David Cullough says: “To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard.”

According to Shosanya: “If you count yourself among writers and you have not written any essay, Article, journal, story, prose, fiction, books, etc. for public consumption to read, you are not yet qualified to be called a writer. To become a better writer is definitely a satisfying activity.”

One of the most important skills to have is to be a mastery of creative writing.

“I pride myself as a better writer. I am passionate about creative writing reason being it has become a hobby
“I believe strongly if you want to write well you must have an extensive appetite for reading.
“I align myself with Jean M.Auel quote that says, “if you are not a reader, don’t even think about being a writer.”

For you to become a better writer, you have to be determined, you must be disciplined and curious about learning in addition reading should be your watchword.
“There’s a need to take a deep breath and ask yourself a simple question what’s the reason becoming a better writer. Is it for leisure or as a profession? It is also advisable to be aware which part of writing you are interested in. Have you learned a different style of writing, Did you know there’s a structure while writing an

Article, poetry, story, prose, fiction, non-fiction,” Shosanya said

According to a renowned author and social critic, Chimamanda Adichie, “The greatest gift for a writer is to be read, properly and seriously.”
So, what makes a better writer is it clarity, persistence, research skills, content, attention to details, vocabulary, telling a story etc.
It is pertinent to note some of the critical components of writing process, which are research, planning, editing, grammar, outlining etc.
If you are ready to be a better writer, you must have all these qualities highlighted below these will help you become who you want to be.

Choose topic that interest you and read articulate as you can.
Learn tone, style of writing.
Write down your ideas,
Develop a daily writing habit,
Think deeply about your audience,
Set specific goals,
Use simple and concise language,
Read and make research on the topic you want to write,,
Think about the structure,
Expand your vocabulary,,
Learn the rules of Grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Be explicit in your writing,,
Sign up for writing course on line,
Use writing template,
Ask for feedback,

Learn to be a better writer and the best way to learn is now.

“Becoming a better writer takes time, care, and precision. Each step in the process needs to pay attention to. I close with a plea to all writers to read vicariously. No matter what the subject topic you intend to write there must be clarity and eloquence. Learn from the masters and improve your writing for global consumption and relevance,” Shosanya said.


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