How Pillarcle Groups will provide excellent service, make positive impact- Nworie Cyprian, CEO

Nworie Cyprian, Chief Executive Officer of Pillarcle Groups believes excellent service delivery is critical to the success of a business. The visionary entrepreneur noted that his company is unwavering in their commitment to rendering brilliant service.

According to him: “Pillarcle is a value driven empire, diversified into certain sectors of businesses, where we believe we can maximally utilize our massive wealth of resources in people, research, experience and expertise garnered over the years to navigate effectively, make profits and create a template for others to follow, these various business sectors include: cryptocurrency, real estate, loan, constructions, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and more.

We are here to provide excellent service, make positive impact in whatever industry we step into by building, scaling and ultimately multiplying what we have built so far whilst aiming to become a template for others to study and follow. We adopt futuristic approach in our endeavours; valuing tomorrow and its potential more than the happenings of today and the traditions of yesterday. I have been to many countries and it has helped me to understand the impact we need to make in order to sustain our relevance and add value to humanity”.

Recounting his approach to solving problems, the lover of books said: “I will say life has not been an easy one. Of course I never expected it to be, and that’s the way I have always excelled because I face my challenges squarely by grabbing the bull by the horn. He who fights and runs, lives to fight another day. I urge us all to keep giving in our best in all we do”.

Nworie who also doubles as a medical practitioner fondly called Dr Kendo also added that his love and value for humanity made him become a medical doctor.

“I am not just a business man, I’m also a medical doctor. I have great love for this discipline because of how I value humanity; I have always wanted to be a lifesaver from childhood and that is why I did not just stop at BSC, rather hoping to further my master’s in public health as I mentioned earlier. My life’s motto is one body and one spirit”.

The medical practitioner also lamented over the state of the Nigerian health sector, saying the government need to pay more attention to developing the sector.

“In the health sectors, you see doctors embarking on strike as a result of nonpayment of salary. Are you trying to tell me the money is not there to pay them? But we have money to pay repented terrorists called Boko Haram. When the health sector is affected, other sectors can never progress for health is wealth. Many communities have no health centers, but they budget money for many unnecessary things. We are really far behind because I am just comparing Nigerian health sector to that of Germany where I studied, the difference is massive”, he revealed.


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