House probes Dangote, BUA, others over high cost of cement

BUA Cement
The House of Representatives has ordered the immediate probe of the authorities of Dangote Cement manufacturing company and others over alleged arbitrary increase in the price of cement in the country.

The decision to embark on the probe at plenary presided over by Speaker Tajudeen Abbas also extends to BUA, Lafarge and other cement manufacturers.

Officials of the cement manufacturers are to appear before the lawmakers at plenary to explain the astronomical rise in the price of cement recently.

House Committees on Solid Minerals Development, Commerce, Industry and Special Duties were also mandated to probe into the issue and report back to the House within four weeks for further legislative action.

Moving the motion, Mr Gbefi Jonathan expressed concern over the increase in the price of cement, leading to sharp hikes in building blocks, cost of building and, consequently, high rent in the country.

The Nasarawa State-born lawmaker contended that the development could not be justified since the raw materials for the manufacture of cement, which include lime, silica, alumina, iron oxide and gypsum are all sourced locally and not affected by exchange rate volatility.

Jonathan particularly accused “the cement cabal” of unconscionably inflicting hardship on Nigerians, in view of the increased prices of rent and associated services.

The opposition Social Democratic party (SDP) lawmaker described the indiscriminate increase in the price of cement as a direct affront and sabotage of President Bola Tinubu’s administration’s effort to bring comfort to the populace and should be resolved immediately.


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