Honouring a wicked parent 

Charles Ighele

I COUNSELED a woman some years ago, whose father had openly confessed to using occult powers to do harm. The fact that he was on the camp of the enemy did not negate the commandment God gave in Exodus 20:12; “Honour your father and mother…” I made her realise that God did not specify if honour was to be given to only Christian/godly parents or non-Christian/ungodly parents; rather, the commandment is a general one that includes all parents. I told her God definitely knew that not all parents will walk according to His ways; yet He gave this commandment to their offsprings or dependents as an unconditional commandment. 

Honouring your parents can be done through various ways such as respecting them, obeying them, taking proper care of them and many other ways. 

Today, I want to, however, draw a distinction between honouring your parents who are in the Lord and honouring parents whose ways are not found in the faith, as the father of the lady in the story above. 

The counsel I gave the young lady above is what I love to share with people who find themselves torn between their Christianity and the unbelief of their parents. You can honour and love them even though they may not be Christians without compromising your faith. 

You can still call them regularly, pray over some gift items and send to them from time to time (I know of a man who prayed that anytime his parents spent the money he sent them, their hearts will be won for Christ) and respect them for being the vessels God used in bringing you into planet earth. 

However, when it comes to a situation where your faith may be compromised, then take the stand that Peter and the apostles took by obeying God, rather, than man (Acts 5:29). The bottomline should be that you love and honour them. Also, pray for wisdom to relate with parents who are not in the faith. Love you!


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