Hassan Haman conferred Traditional tittle: Maidalan Mambilla…

Known to be quite introverted and rarely seen in the public eye, Dr. Hassan Haman Ali-Yusuf is known by family and friends as very hardworking, highly intelligent and extremely generous.

He is also well read and highly connected in both the public & private sectors. An alumnus of Harvard University, Buckingham University, St Andrews University, Dublin Institute of Technology, The American Millitary University and the Geneva Graduate School of Governance.

He sits on the board of the prestigious Danbo International Schools and is the MD/CEO Haman & Foreman Constructions, 247/365 Logistics (security and transportation company) and CEO Clearwater Cove Food & Beverages.

He served as technical adviser on national development matters in the office of the president from 2007-2012

Dr. Hassan is from the prestigious family of late Amb:Jolly Tanko Yusuf (CON) in Taraba, old Gongola state.

The Sardauna Traditional Ruling Council in Taraba State, where he is predominantly from, found him fit and conferred his eminence as Maidalan Mambilla; meaning Silent-achiever, workerholic and philanthropist.

Dr. Hassan-Haman is set to commence a world class buisness hub in Mambilla, Gembu and has already acquired over 400 hectares of land with construction work ongoing.

He is also an integral part of the $5B Mambillla Hydro Power Project and one of the kingdom’s arrow ahead towards ensuring the project comes to fruition.

Many who know him personally attest to this title as befitting and most deserving.

A coronation date is yet to be agreed upon and communicated.


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