‘Happy Hour and A Case for Tourism in Akwa Ibom

During the governorship campaign, the present governor of Akwa Ibom state, Pastor Umoh Eno, was seen in a viral video saying he had promised the people of Akwa Ibom state to introduce what he termed “Happy Hour”. A policy where the state government will get the people to relax after a week-long hard work. In the process, he got himself a new name, ‘The Happy Hour Governor”. At the time, I criticized the idea but after careful thought and chats with a few friends, I concluded that the message he was trying to put across was “Tourism” for the state.

Tourism as we know is an essential economic factor in many countries around the world today with governments giving keen attention to it and deliberately creating strategies to develop their tourism potentials and consequently making their countries tourist destinations; all in the bid to generate revenue, create jobs, raise the GDPs of their economies as they create leisure for millions of visitors, they have succeeded in pulling in.

Akwa Ibom can carve a niche for itself through the governor’s proposed initiative and make itself a choice destination as well. A place where a global center for arts, culture, gastronomy, fashion, business, entertainment, and even sports thrive and possibly gets itself on the list of the many tourist destinations around the world if carefully developed and promoted.

A deliberate attempt where the government will be at the forefront with the appropriate investments and resources creating the right and attractive business environment for the industry to flourish with its beautiful landscapes, cultural heritage, renowned cuisines, hospitality, and good road infrastructure. It is surprising that Uyo has not put to good use what it has got and equally takes advantage of the lack of flourishing tourism and initiatives in its immediate environs in the South-south and Southeastern parts of Nigeria as a whole. The natural and cultural beauties of the enclave form part of the mosaic that makes Akwa Ibom thick, there is no doubt that it can build an economy that thrives on tourism. It is a case of low-hanging fruits that is calling for attention. This is why the new government of Governor Umoh Eno should be encouraged to invest in the industry, assembling the best brains available around the world to drive the process.

It is noteworthy however to state that other state governments have journeyed on this path in the past and 2 of them stand out for me, Cross River and Lagos State. During the leadership of Mr. Donald Duke, a huge impact was made when he put Calabar on the map of the world for a short time, unfortunately! Soon after he left office, the tourism industry he had successfully built began to crumble and today Calabar is a shadow of itself. How sad! The same cannot be said of Lagos. This is one state that has continued to steadily grow its tourism industry. While some argue they have concentrated more on their beaches with the coastline stretching from its Badagry (west) end to Epe (east), Lagos has got over 30 beaches where fun seekers throng steadily. They keep growing even though there have been several changes in government, and their story did not toe the Calabar way. It is necessary to point this out so that Akwa Ibom can learn some important lessons.

Policymakers need to have a holistic view and put in place the right policy framework for the industry that will outlive any government and even compel any new government to align with the enshrined blueprint for the sector.

From the coastal lines and kilometers of beaches in Ibeno, to the rolling hills of Itu to the green river of Ikot Akpa, Akwa Ibom is indeed a state that clearly has not maximized and used what it is endowed with. Tourism in the state can be developed to the degree that it is bursting with interesting destinations, towns, beautiful nature, sounds and experiences that create memories and yearnings to be discovered. The state can further feature some important landmarks and sites, high cultural interest, beaches, and seaside resorts not leaving out green tourism. Sometimes people just want to run away from the hustle and bustle of life and go to places they can relax, unwind, and be entertained, Akwa Ibom can make itself that place. If the investment is right with creative minds sitting around the table, a new paradise for holiday seekers can be born. Tourists can then tell a story from every experience they are exposed to as soon as they step foot on the soil of Akwa Ibom.

It is no gainsaying that the state is full of life, and this can be further enhanced if Uyo is successfully made a desirable holiday destination. That can only be achieved if the government takes the business of tourism seriously which will in turn address the issue of unemployment and other economic challenges.

The Akwa Ibom State Tourism Development Strategy’s vision and goal must be big, bold, creative, and exciting. The team should be tasked with the responsibility of developing a policy framework that will help grow and sustain the sector, not leaving out the fact that landmark tourist sites and attractions must be conceptualized, designed, created, and developed. It must then push towards making the state a globally recognized tourist destination. Everything must be done to meet any set goal. It is imperative to state that this requires a lot of hard work, dedication, sacrifices, and the political will to do what needs to be done to bring the dream to fruition. It is not a wild goose chase but a sure bet if the investment is right and I dare say the time is now with a new Nigeria emerging. If the execution is top-notch, it is at that point that we can truly say, Let the “Happy Hour” begin.

Uwem Samson Udom is a public affairs commentator. He is an indigene of Akwa Ibom state but lives and works in Lagos.


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