Hajj operators urge NLC, TUC to postpone strike 


The Association of Hajj and Umrah Operators of Nigeria (AHUON) has called on the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) to discontinue the ongoing strike, considering that the timing is wrong and unfavourable for the Nigerian Muslim community. It, therefore, asked that the strike be suspended till after the Hajj pilgrimage.
In a statement by its National President, Abdulateef Ekundayo Yusuf, the group said: “We would like to call the attention of the labour congress to the impact of the strike on one of the most fundamental pillars of Islam, which is Hajj, followed by Eid Kabir festival nationwide and the financial implications the strike will have on Muslims who have saved for years to be able to embark on this holy journey.”
AHOUN also pointed out the financial loss the strike would have on its members, saying that it would run into billions, as they have made arrangements for accommodation, transportation and feeding in both Mecca and Madinah, including tickets and visas for thousands of people, who will be affected by the disruption of both local and international flights operations.

The body, therefore, called on the labour unions to reconsider their stance in the interest of Nigerian Muslims, who form the majority of their membership.


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