Hackcess Security to Focus on Commercialization of CyberCrime

cyber crime
cyber crime
HACKCESS Technology Security Conference will take place at the prestigious Oriental Hotels in Lagos, Nigeria on November 11-12.

This conference is set to bring into one room Technology experts across sub-Saharan Africa who are dedicated to unraveling the growing threats to technology usage within corporate organizations and across government institutions operating within the region.

Hackcess will engage stakeholders who have studied the different shades of the ‘Hack’ and have come up with patterns and ideas on how to curb its occurrence in financial institutions where it seems to be on the rise and other institutions undergoing all forms of Technology menace affecting the smooth run of their organizations.

This year’s conference, which has been tagged ‘Commercialization Of Cybercrime’ will seek to address the global realities and challenges Africa and indeed the world is currently facing due to the prevalence of individuals who currently perpetrate the crime on a huge scale.

What are the risks to growing businesses embracing the internet and looking for best ways to drive their business. All these and more will be addressed at Hackcess 2015.

The first Hackcess technology conference which took place about a year ago created the buzz that has given birth to this second stage of this annual conference.

According to Tobechi Ndubuaku, COO for Tobeit Nigeria, the initiators and organizers of this conference, ‘We are on a mission with the Hackcess Technology Security Conference to continue the discussions, engagements and awareness of the security risks involved in the 21st century style of business if current trends are not evaluated in its true nature to curb future occurrence’.

Mr. Ndubuaku further explains that TOBEIT a young and growing technology organization will through the Hackcess conference, challenge technology experts and the existing statusquo to come up with innovative ways of addressing IT Security.

