Group plans talk on tackling gambling, betting among boys

A non-governmental organisation, Boys Mentoring Advocacy Network (BMAN), has announced steps to tackle the increasing number of boys growing up without positive focus and other vices and challenges associated with them.

A statement by the group, yesterday, said: “It is observed that “many of the boys believe their fathers are failure, government has failed them and religious organisations have ignored their developmental needs.”

Such an outlook to life, it said, had gradually led to the collapse of the society, adding: “Boys Future, Boys Challenge” is a monthly global revolutionary discourse on boyhood to manhood that is aimed at parents, stakeholders, mentors, educators, family therapists and everyone working positively to help boys and adolescent males achieve the right objectives about life and living.

“To develop and equip the mind of boys for a successful and respectful manhood, there is need to first understand the brain science of boys, identify the qualities of success, persuade them that they have the potential for success, inspire them to succeed and educate them to love, live, learn, and leave a legacy.”

The group lamented betting and gambling among boys, even among secondary school boys, who according to it, are hoodwinked and deceived to bet and gamble with the hope of an easy escape from financial hardship.”

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