Group laments increasing engagement of youths in drug abuse

Drug abuse

• Seeks restriction on over-the-counter drugs
A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Stamp-out Drug Abuse Initiative (SDAI), yesterday, lamented increasing engagement of Nigeria youths in drug abuse.

The group, in a statement, signed by its Executive Director, who is also a member, International Society of Substance Use Professional, Oluwafemi Silas, advised government and all relevant stakeholders to restrict access to over-the-counter drugs that may lead to abuse.

Silas stressed that the group, established 50 years ago, with the vision of educating, informing and enlightening youths and the public on the infallible truths about drugs, has also assisted drug addicts and secured rehabilitation centres where they could be treated.

According to him, the organisation had in the last four and a half years, succeeded in achieving some of its vision by organising seminars, campaigns, workshops and trainings in schools, communities, youth organisations, churches, mosques, private and public organisations amongst others.

Silas stressed the need for government to review drug laws and ensure that everybody- specialists, individuals, cultivators and carrier, involved in drug-related offences are served with stiff penalties.

He also called for establishment of more rehabilitation centres and employment of capable staff to assist people with addiction in rehabilitation centres.

According to him, the economy should be stimulated to create employment opportunities, especially for teenagers and youths in the country who are more vulnerable.

He further called on celebrities to lead the campaign against abuse.

On the role of family, he said: “Parents must educate their children about drug abuse because charity begins at home, give zero tolerance for drug and alcohol use in and outside the house, lead by example, expose their children to programmes, videos and publications that preach against drug abuse.

They should avoid exposing their kids to programmes, videos and publications that promote drug abuse, misuse and addiction. Parents should know the friends of their children and their family background, as this will help to prevent them from keeping bad company.

“The community and religious groups have major role to play in preventing drug abuse because they are closer to the populace and they also have a direct influence on the people under them.

“They should educate and enlighten their members and followers about the dangers of drug abuse, misuse and addiction on both the society and individuals.

“They can as well set up a team of professionals among their members to counsel people suspected to be practising drug abuse. In addition, they should also strengthen their counselling units in churches and mosques by involving professionals among them to assist in drug education and related programmes that can benefit their members.”


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