Google search shows increase in Nigerian ladies’ commitment to Valentine’s Day

*How to be romantic to your boyfriend spiked by 250%

Valentine’s Day is almost here and online Search trends show that lovers in Nigeria are already busy preparing to colour the air with romance.

In the last few days, there have been huge spikes in Valentine’s Day related searches on Google by Nigerians.

The search for the ‘history of valentine day celebration’ and ‘Valentine love letter’ spiked by +400% and +550% respectively. ‘Valentine message for my love’ also increased by +300% in the past week.

The search for how to be romantic to your boyfriend on phone spiked by 250%, while ‘Gift for boyfriend’ was searched 71% more than ‘gift for girlfriend’ in the past week by Nigerians. It would seem that Nigerian ladies are showing more commitment to lover’s day than the guys. This may be as a result of Nigerian men requesting more for useful gift items that are not the usual for Valentine’s Day.

This reveals that Nigerians are interested in the meaning of Valentine’s Day, as well as, conveying their heartfelt love messages of deep affection.

Search interest for online dating apps also peaked during the pandemic, a reflection that the pandemic has taken a toll on all aspects of life including dating and relationships. Nigerians who cannot physically get together are finding alternatives with online dating apps, and are becoming more trusting of using apps to find love.

