Gestures That Make Men Fall In Love With You

Gestures That Make Men Fall In Love With You

Sade is a beautiful young woman that every man would love to have as his woman. She never lacks men, but finding genuine love has been difficult.

She always thought that the secret to making men fall head over heels in love with a woman is to make so much money, be beautiful and be intelligent. Now, that was enough to attract these men but not have them stay in love with her.

Like Sade, many women are on this table. Attraction is the first part, then the next is to hold his attention.
Here are a few tips on how to make men start *in Chike’s voice* running to you.

DO NOT BE DESPERATE: Ladies, men know when a woman is desperate to have a man in her life, and as a result, it will end in tears. A man tends to feel challenged when he realises that the woman he is interested in can do without him. In this case, he will do everything to win her over.

TAKE HIM OUT ON A DATE: What a man can do, a woman can do as well. Surprise him one day by asking him out on a date. Many men have the perception that all women are broke and they have to be the one to always pay the bills when they take them out on dates. Ladies, dates are not restricted to restaurants only; you can take him on a picnic to the beach or a garden, amusement parks, films, or even go site seeing. All that matters is that you will make it an unforgettable experience for him.

PAY HIM A COMPLIMENT: When a man sees a woman he genuinely likes, he goes out of his way to dress well and look good for her. Tell him you like his shirt, shoes, wristwatch, or even his haircut.

GIVE HIM A GIFT: On social media, I come across posts about how men hardly receive gifts, even on their birthday and it is sad. Ladies, if you see something that is fine and you feel he will like it, buy it. If you do not have money to take him out on his birthday; call his friends over, you can even tell them to bring bottles of wine and buy a cake. It will go a long way.

LISTEN TO HIM: Men are good listeners, and if he genuinely cares about you, he will listen to every word you say. Do the same to him. Through listening to his words, you will be able to tell about his likes, dislikes, and hobbies.

HAVE A KNOWLEDGE ABOUT EVERYTHING: Some time ago, where a man tweeted about being on a date and asking the woman a question and she could not answer. Knowing a little about the happenings in the world will not hurt, but will open you up to a global worldview. Sports, especially the type he likes, will make a man attracted to you. Just a little knowledge speaks well of you.

ENCOURAGE HIM: A man that likes you will tell you a little of his problems. Make him know that he is the best and the problems have nothing on him. Help him if you are in a position to.

BE YOU: It is great to want to be your best self. Let him see you at your best and your worst; that will make him appreciate you the more. You can only pretend for a short time.


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