Gender equality not the answer

SIR: Living in the 21st Century has many perks and privileges but with it comes some very daunting challenges, especially for women. Don’t get me wrong, men have their fair share of challenges but women across all walks of life have borne heavy burdens in silence.
There are many societal expectations from women, irrespective of race and strata.  Is it the obvious disparity in the way the boy child is esteemed higher and raised differently from the girl?  Or the intense pressure the young lady is under to settle down quickly because of her biological clock regardless of everything else she may have achieved in her life? Can I even dare write about how a woman’s life takes another turn once she begins to have children?

Womanhood is spelt grit and sacrifice. A woman has to work twice as hard as a man to birth her dreams and keep being relevant because most of the systems in place are skewed against her.
Women have gone on to achieve great feats despite great odds but millions still battle feelings of insecurity and doubt their worth, some even feel guilty for pursuing their dreams. Many are dissatisfied with their lives but stay put under the cloak of societal disapproval.
Dear woman, I urge you to arise today! Your dreams are valid and are worth pursuing. In every phase of your life, you have what it takes to excel, make the most of your potential and soar like the eagle you are. Do not ever cave in under the cloud of negativity and limitations around, refuse to accept that your femininity is a hindrance.
The answer is not even in gender equality. Realise that your frame is just a velvet glove that clothes a mighty fist. Remember that you are a gem and shine brightly like the treasure that you are.
 Ene Bolanta.


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