Funsho Davies Owoyemi: Roots in Okunland, abode in Lagos cosmopolis

Chief Funsho Owoyemi

His lifelong sojourn away from his ancestral home in Okunland in Kogi State creates the impression that he is actually a son-of-the-soil of Nigeria’s former administrative capital, Lagos. Such assumptions will be tenable against the backdrop of the early dispersal of Nigerians from an “inland state” like Kogi, to different parts of the country for various reasons.

The quest for education and career pursuit and fulfilment, informed the exits of Okun-Yoruba bigwigs, living and departed to Nigeria’s primordial big cities. The Sunday Bolorunduro Awoniyis, Silas Bamidele Daniyans, Ade Johns found themselves at the centre of the bureaucracy of the old Northern region. The likes of Kola Jamodu, and the younger Funsho Davies Owoyemi found the pull to Lagos irresistible. Lagos hitherto, was the amphibious political and administrative capital of Nigeria.

The government policy which relocated the seat of government to the newfoundland Abuja in February 1976 was enunciated by Nigeria’s charismatic military leader, Murtala Ramat Mohammed. The formal, physical transferral of the nation’s new capital to Abuja was, however, in December 1991. This was consummated by yet another military President, Ibrahim Babangida. Lagos, the state which is a virtual country on its own, however, has continued to hold the allure for Nigerians like Owoyemi, the “newborn” septuagenarian under reference. We shall allude to him in places with the sobriquet “FDO” as we proceed.

Thursday January 11, 2024 all roads led to the Holy Trinity African Church, Ikate- Surulere, for the thanksgiving service commemorating Owoyemi’s 70th birthday. Queens Park Event Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos was the next stop for family, friends and associates for the reception to cap the day’s event.

Simultaneously, the ancient city of Odo-Eri in Yagba West local government area in Kogi State played host to very important personalities in Yagbaland. Traditional rulers, red cap chiefs, politicians, youths and women groups converged for the local variant of the day’s event. Owoyemi is the Asiwaju, “leader and frontliner” of Odo-Eri. He is also the Taiyese, “one who makes the world a better place,” of Iloro-Ekiti, in Ekiti State.

The amiable, homely, cerebral, articulate and multitasking Owoyemi is an unobtrusive doyen of the accountancy profession. He earned his stripes as a chartered accountant back in the days when the number of chartered accountants in Nigeria could be counted on the finger tips.

He is concurrently a highbrow management consultant with interests in banking, real estate, and multifaceted entrepreneurship. Within the context of his homeland, his views are sought on sundry issues which makes him a bouquet of a political stakeholder and a community leader. You will forever find him at the centre of goings on which are of tangible advantage to his people.

Back in the mid 1990s, Owoyemi alongside other illustrious sons of Okunland including business Jide Omokore, Olusola Akanmode, Sam Olu Owa, Tolorunjuwon Joseph Faniyi, Laolu Eniolorunda and the late Adewale Olu birthed what became known till date as the “Okun Agenda”. Okun Agenda in turn, sired the Okun New Initiative (ONI), with Owoyemi as pioneer chair. Conceptualized by like minds, led by Akanmode, Chief of Staff to Nigeria’s former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar, ONI was emplaced to articulate a developmental road map for Okunland within the context of Kogi State and Nigeria at large.

For all the human and material endowments of Okunland, the area has been regularly trampled in the politics of the former Kwara State and the present Kogi State. ONI was an assemblage of carefully selected Okun patriots from all callings across the six Okun dominated local government areas.

Owoyemi was also a very active member of the “Okun Interest Group, (OIG)” which was peopled by distinguished Okun professionals, technocrats, scholars, the military as well as the public and private sectors.

They include: Julius Olakunle Sunday Oshanupin, (a retired army General); Albert Anjorin, Emeritus Professor of Pathology and Olu Obafemi, Distinguished Professor and recipient of the 2018 Nigerian National Order Merit, (NNOM). There were also the departed Professor of library and documentation, Michael Idowu Ajibero and Paul Olayinka Okuntimo, (a retired General), as members. Tunde Olusunle, poet, journalist and scholar, served as Secretary of the group. Like S.A. Ayo, (also a retired General) domiciled in Lagos, Owoyemi shuttled hither and thither for the various engagements, all in the service of the Okun homeland except if there were overwhelming commitments.

Around and about his community, FDO excelled as a notable philanthropist. Conscious of the place of education in the consciousness of his people and how literacy had impacted his own life, he privately supported many people away from noise and the klieglights. Mayaki Sunday, Owoyemi’s kinsman from Odo-Eri said this much in a birthday tribute.

He titled his contribution as: ” Reminiscing on a True Leader” and noted thus: “It is a common belief that leaders are born. Others say leadership is thrusted upon people. In the case of Owoyemi, however, it is evident that some leaders are born and simultaneously time entrusted with leadership.” Mayaki hails Owoyemi as the archetypal Lagosian, the “omo-eko gangan”, the exemplary “omo-onile” even in the midst of aboriginal Lagosians, especially in Ebute-Meta where Owoyemi grew up. But for his affection for his people in Okunland and indeed his birthplace, Odo-Eri, Owoyemi has long found home and acculturated out there in ‘Eko Akete’.

Says Mayaki: “Owoyemi for instance is a member of De Club Aspirers in Lagos. He is in the regular company of the “white cap chiefs” of Lagos for example where he is adulated.Owoyemi is an advocate of a new Odo-Eri. He has thus demonstrated remarkable capacity to galvanize the good people of community to join in developing their own “new Jerusalem.”

He remains a major inspiration to younger generations. Many wonder where his energy comes from, if at 70, he is not only still globetrotting but managing FDO consult with such dexterity and pristine intelligence. No wonder he employed the same magic wand and midas touch in enabling the turnaround of Odo-Eri. Within the short time that he was enthroned as the Asiwaju, Odo-Eri is well lit at night today, courtesy of Owoyemi’s introduction of solar lighting for the illumination of the community.

Our Secondary school buildings now wear new looks, as different from their uninspiring decrepit looks even as virtually all teachers are paid from communal efforts. The population of students in secondary schools has leapfrogged from 21 to almost 400 in the space of less than two years. The police station which was solely built by him also got a new facelift, as did the building and patrol vehicle allocated to community vigilantes. Burglary was on the ascendancy before his coming but people can now sleep with their two eyes closed because of the motivation of the vigilantes. He spurred the people into taking over where the government failed. Our newly constructed magistrate court is the best in Yagba West today, courtesy of his committed leadership.

“A beacon of Hope, an enigma of social development, despite his treasury of knowledge, depository of wisdom and his endowed repository of understanding, he still relates with some of us who he could have fathered with convenience, when he wants to make some crucial decisions- the hallmark of true leadership”.

Lawyer and banker, Otunba Sam Owa who for loss of count for time said he could not find the right words to describe his relationship with FDO and where they had started from, expressed joy at the attainment of the biblical three scores and ten, by the man he fondly refers as “my big Egbon”.

Owa who is FDO’s bosom associate wrote in a tribute: “This is particularly so when I reminisce on the immeasurable times we have spent together through thick and thin. My very special Egbon that it is very difficult for a lot of people to believe that we are not from the same womb, I indeed cherish your life that is worthy of emulation. I have always known you as a man of peace, one of the most cerebral Accountants of his era in our great nation, Nigeria and in the sub-Saharan Africa”.

He further describes FDO as an uncommon unifier of humanity with so much positive impact on the lives of others without seeking any rewards.

He added, “I made bold to say that your kindness and generosity know no bounds. I am always amazed by your unique ability to tolerate the excesses of others, however brazen they may look. A man of very strong will that fought so many battles even in the face of frustration; your zeal to succeed continues to pave the way. My Egbon, you are a special breed of Okun person; “Okunrin Meta” as they say. I was particularly scared during your unpalatable experience with Covid-19 four years ago. Your immediate family and those of us close to you were indeed terrified and agitated when you had to discharge yourself from the isolation center against all medical advice.

“This was when the personality came across as your very rigid principles and personal convictions, but only to be rushed back to the hospital the following day. Egbon, agidi yin po (you are too stubborn). This incident continues to linger in my memory as the most scary moment in our age-long relationship.

“Our unique and organic relationship was also tested when we had to support two opposing candidates in a political contest; but amazingly you did not allow this situation to negatively impact our relationship in anyway as our love for each other remains fundamental and unbreakable in any circumstances. We supported two different candidates in our senatorial election strictly based on principles and personal convictions.

“I recall that the entire community was almost torn apart with the expectations of both locals and the elites waiting for an implosion and a breakdown of our relationship but alas, that was not to be.
On that particular occasion, we both mobilized our supporters to Lokoja for the elections, it was indeed a tensed situation in Okun land on the Election Day.

“I recall that we rode in the same car for about 4 hours to Lokoja for the voting and after the voting, we came to the village and at the end of the day your candidate was announced as the winner of the keenly contested election. You hugged me and I congratulated you and we never allowed our different political leanings to affect our deep love for each other. You are such a man with large heart.

“I would also like to mention your astute sense of cumunalism; you have always been a pillar and driver of the various development strides in our local community of Odo-Eri. You have always demonstrated your sense of leadership in galvanizing and mobilizing so many developmental projects across various sectors including education, health care, security, electricity projects, to mention but a few in Odo-Eri Community”.

For Senator Smart Adeyemi, FDO is not only highly enterprising and a detribalized leader, he is equally highly educated and a global citizen indeed.

“He is an outstanding community leader with passion for socio economic development of the land. A leader with a good heart, a gentleman with a great strength of character. Always seeking for peaceful coexistence of his people. His actions and utterances are guided by the biblical principles and indeed the word of God! That explains why he is looking more than a decade younger than his actual age”, declared Senator Adeyemi in his birthday message.

In the roll call of dignitaries in the upper class who converged in Lagos and Odo-Eri to celebrate FDO on his 70th birthday are: Chairman of the occasion, Dr Yemi Ogunbiyi, Chief Kola Jamodu (CFR,FCA), Chief Bayo Ojo (SAN), Asiwaju Jide Omokore, Akanmode, Dr Solomon Onafowokan (OON), Asiwaju of Remo Kingdom, Amb John Kayode Simkaiye, Rear Admiral (retd) Oni, Rear Admiral Kolawole, Professor Aogun, retired Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG), Tunji Akoni, Sir (Dr) Kola Idirogba, Otunba Sola Adekanola (FCA), Chief Raymond Ihyembe, Chief (Dr) Abayomi Majekodunmi, Otunba Kola Olatunji, Mr Kunle Owuye, Chief F.G Ibrahim, Dr Gbenga Owojaiye, Chief Segun Bolaji, LLB. BL, Mr Kayode Soyombo, Chief Jide Oni, Mrs Funmi Abiodun, Alh (Engr) Saka, Mrs Charis Onabowale (Mama Cass), Mrs Florence Omotehinwa Alhaji Jani Ibrahim, Mr Kayode Elliott and Otunba Sam Owa, among others.

Otunba Funsho D. Owoyemi, MBF, FCA, a distinguished figure in the realms of finance and community service, was born on the 11th of January, 1954. He attended Apapa Methodist School and Eko Boys High School, where he distinguished himself as the Deputy Senior Prefect.
Choosing to deviate from the traditional sciences, Otunba Owoyemi delved into the field of Accountancy, captivated by the burgeoning opportunities in the domain. This decision led him to Ibadan Polytechnic, where he pursued a two-year diploma in Accountancy. He graduated with distinction, a testament to his dedication. He accomplished the formidable feat of passing parts 1, 2, and 3 of his ACCA UK exams, a notable achievement for someone of his age at the time.

Subsequently, he embarked on an enriching attachment with CFAO Motors, Ijora, assuming the role of an intermediate accountant and earning distinction as one of the youngest practitioners in the field. His
unyielding pursuit of excellence propelled him with a State Scholarship to the well renowned London School of Accountancy, UK in 1977 for the final part of the ACCA exams.
Returning to Nigeria for his Youth Service, his primary assignment was at the esteemed Akintola Williams &Co. (Chartered Accountants) Lagos. This tenure was transformative, affording him diverse exposure and shaping his professional trajectory. Over the course of a decade, he contributed his expertise to auditing teams overseeing various organizations, with assignments spanning the global landscape, from Cameroon to Cotonou, Abidjan and beyond.

In 1989, seeking fresh challenges and broader horizons, he embarked on a new chapter, collaborating with luminaries like Chief (Dr.) Yomi Majekodunmi, FCA and Late Chief Sam Ojikutu to establish Nationwide Merchant Bank Limited. His tenure at the bank marked a period of significant growth and learning, as he ascended the ranks, ultimately overseeing finance operations of the bank. Fueling his appetite for knowledge, he pursued a Master’s Degree in Banking and Finance at the prestigious University of Lagos, graduating with an outstanding academic result.
Armed with a wealth of experience and fortified expertise, he went on to establish his own firm, Funsho Owoyemi and Co, a venture that has quietly thrived since its inception in 1990. The firm’s footprint
expanded from its initial location in Yaba to Apapa Road, solidifying its reputation for excellence.


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