Funmi Ayinke and Nigeria’s history

We all can agree that Nigeria’s history is a complex one, we have been through a lot as a nation, with too many contentions and issues going on.

Funmi Ayinke

Since independence until now, Nigeria has had her fair share of horrible leaders and sometimes good leaders, though good, but with time, they jumped into the embrace of corrupt practices. Only few stood out in their numbers. Nigeria has however, pulled out of every problem of leadership stronger with time. Thanks to the good eggs that never stopped trying to make a difference in their few counts. Though, our strength doesn’t mean that we should sit back and keep accepting all manners of terrible leaders in the name of coming out stronger, our strength should visible to our oppressors. Our strength is voting in the right candidate, and giving that candidate all our full support.

Our past has been riddled with men who cared less about the well-being of the average Nigerian, and more about their pocket. it’s the same occurrence with every passing year. More of Nigeria’s funds are recovered from overseas as most of these men were very heavily vested in stealing public funds, throwing the country into a dangerous position filled with debts from all angles which has led to many financial disarray. One might wonder if there is any possibility whatsoever of Nigeria getting out of the situation of bad leadership, because our history has made it look as though we might never make it out of this situation of terrible leadership. Even one Nigeria’s great novelist, Chinua Achebe stated in his book; The trouble with Nigeria, inspiring Nigerians to reject old habits of electing bad leaders which inhibit the country from becoming a modern and attractive country
It makes one wonder how we have plunged ourselves into the same kind of trouble over and again, does it mean that we keep voting in the same kind of leaders? Could it be something else? Is there the possibility of any solution?

In my opinion, Nigeria is only particular about the problems and never the solution. We worry too much about the problem, and avoiding asking ourselves how we can push forward. How do we go about solving this? How do we look beyond tribal bigotry, political manipulation, and gender marginalization?
What kind of leader do we need? These are the questions I think Nigerians need to start asking. In my opinion, there is already an answer starring us in our faces; Ambassador Funmi Ayinke. Somebody might ask, why a woman? My simple answer will be, if the men have failed us again and again, isn’t it high time we tried the leadership of a woman? And not just any woman, a technocrat, a competent woman.

Ayinke is by all standards the most competent woman for the job. A woman that has built herself from the scratch, someone that has slowly climbed the ladder of success, a top-notch engineer who has diligently served the public. Someone that has proven herself capable over and over again. Knowing that anyone will do great in a high office comes from how well they did in their previous positions, how well they acted, their achievements, and soon.

Ambassador Funmi Ayinke ‘s achievements in her own business and her career is outstanding, so outstanding and it by several miles cannot be compared to all of the previous head of affairs in Nigeria’s history. Nigeria has not been given a chance to try out a competent female leaders that have built themselves empires. We have been led by several men, but not even one whose career stands out. Nigeria needs a technocrat. If there is one thing that the history of major countries in the world has taught us, it should be how different technocrats in seats of power have impacted tremendously in their ‘s growth and development. They often take their nations or states to a higher level both economically and otherwise. Everything is different and more professional when handled by an expert in a field of academy, or career, and this is exactly what Amb Funmi is. She has made a beautiful name for herself in both Nigeria and abroad.

All of her achievements cannot be overemphasised as completely excellent. She is a Fellow of Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FNIMechE); Fellow of International Management Consultants (FIMC), and the Institute of Management Consultants-Nigeria Certified Management Consultants; Fellow of Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE), and also, Fellow, Institute of Management Specialist UK (FIMS), and Member, Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN). She is also a Certified Mechanical Engineer with the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN); Global Member, Project Management Institute (PMI), USA, and Certified Procurement Cadre by the Bureau of Public Procurement.

She has also attended other professional courses, including Comprehensive Computer Training on Auto CAD; Professional Education Course for Prospective Corporate Members, and several other courses in Engineering Assemblies.

Adekojo has been recognised in several settings, awarded for excellence, one of such awards being the “Icon of Societal Development Award,” from the Progressive Student Movement.

Apart from her career, Ayinke has delivered in the little she was entrusted with in government. Honesty and integrity which we can agree the Nigerian government lacks, is part of her watchword. She might be new to the game of politics but she is definitely going to do well in office of the president, even the Holy Book says; “Have you seen a man diligent in his work, he shall stand before kings.” Diligence has for too long not been rewarded in this country, and that needs to be changed. She is a force of change to be reckon with. Major countries that stand tall in the world do so because they have competent leaders, when the leader is frail, the country is frail too, there is no saying otherwise.

Nigeria also need someone who sees the masses, who feels their pain, and can assure them of a shoulder to lean upon. We need a philanthropist and a leader that acts when the people cry out. Nigeria has often had leaders whose ears are shut to the cry of the citizens, and leaders whose gluttony has destroyed the foundation of growth and development. This is not like that for Amb. Funmi Ayinke, she is different from our past leaders as she sees the struggle. A philanthropist who owns a foundation where she contributes her little to helping the society in overcoming certain challenges. Without being in office, this woman has done the best she can to speak “CHANGE” into being. Imagine what would happen when she is in office! When she is given the power to help move the country to the next level. When she has the axe to root incompetence and godfatherism. Nigeria deserves a chance at a leader who knows the right steps to take.

Nigeria also need someone who sees the masses, who feels their pain, and can assure them of a shoulder to lean upon. We need a philanthropist and a leader that acts when the people cry out. Nigeria has often had leaders whose ears are shut to the cry of the citizens, and leaders whose gluttony has destroyed the foundation of growth and development. This is not like that for Amb. Funmi Ayinke, she is different from our past leaders as she sees the struggle. A philanthropist who owns a foundation where she contributes her little to helping the society in overcoming certain challenges. Without being in office, this woman has done the best she can to speak “CHANGE” into being. Imagine what would happen when she is in office! When she is given the power to help move the country to the next level. When she has the axe to root incompetence and godfatherism. Nigeria deserves a chance at a leader who knows the right steps to take.

An expert engineer is a new story for Nigeria, an erudite of knowledge is a better new story, and a new beginning. Nigeria need a new beginning, and a fresh start; Something that tells a different story from our history. Our history has been horrible, our history need to continue with a new line of good reading. I believe it is time to get a fresh start, let it be known that at this point, Nigerians chose competence over big names. That we for once did the right thing, that we place the leadership of our country in the hands of a woman we can trust, a woman that will usher in a new era, a time of expertise and great growth, a technocrat who will surround herself with more technocrats and see this country elevated to her rightful place in the international system.

We might be bothered about her newness to politics, but this begs the question; how good have the old political lords been in moving the nation forward? It is therefore not by one’s political achievements, it is way beyond that. It is more along the lines of how much good can come out of a leader.

Show me a great Country, and I will show you a great leader in power. It’s high time we reclaimed our old glory. There is no one better for the job, other that
Ambassador Funmi Ayinke.

Momoh is a political analyst based in Kaduna. Nigeria, an erudite of knowledge is a better new story, and a new beginning. Nigeria need a new beginning, and a fresh start; Something that tells a different story from our history. Our history has been horrible, our history need to continue with a new line of good reading. I believe it is time to get a fresh start, let it be known that at this point, Nigerians chose competence over big names. That we for once did the right thing, that we place the leadership of our country in the hands of a woman we can trust, a woman that will usher in a new era, a time of expertise and great growth, a technocrat who will surround herself with more technocrats and see this country elevated to her rightful place in the international system.

We might be bothered about her newness to politics, but this begs the question; how good have the old political lords been in moving the nation forward? It is therefore not by one’s political achievements, it is way beyond that. It is more along the lines of how much good can come out of a leader.

Show me a great country, and I will show you a great leader in power. It’s high time we reclaimed our old glory. There is no one better for the job, other that
Ambassador Funmi Ayinke.

Momoh is a political analyst based in Kaduna.


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