Fuel scarcity looms as queue surfaces 

Long queue looms at filling stations over impending fuel scarcity PHOTO: ADEYEMI ADEKUNLE

.Marketers blame low stock, says depots currently receiving PMS

Scarcity of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) has started spreading across the country, especially Lagos as motorists jostle under long queues to buy fuel.

Although the situation is bearable in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), motorists in most parts of Lagos stayed for hours yesterday trying to fill their tanks.

The Major Energy Marketers Association of Nigeria (MEMAN) said there is currently a supply glitch from the Easter break and that supply is being doubled.

The group said there was low stock over the Easter weekend for some members of the association resulting from truckout to supply stations without replenishment at the association’s depots.

“This has led to outages in some retail outlets during the past week. Depots are currently receiving PMS supplies from NNPC Trading and shall continue to do so through the coming weekend,” sources at the association said.

They disclosed that MEMAN members were collaborating closely to expedite the distribution process, noting that members were working at depots, spending extended hours and weekends, to ensure that retail outlets are adequately stocked.

Earlier, the National Vice President of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Hammed Fashola, had reportedly said there were distribution challenges, adding that normalcy would return.
