Firm to flood Nigeria’s auto market with GA6 Sedan

AFTER its  recent appearance  at the 2015 North International American Auto Show (NAIAS), GAC motor may soon introduce the GA6 model, designed for the elites,  to the Nigerian auto market. As a flagship product among Gac Motor  Class-B series, GA6 is highly attracted by international media since it debuted, and it sets up a new benchmark of original design and quality in current China’s auto industry today.  

   GAC MOTOR creates development opportunities for the Chinese vehicle brands by upgrading its models in all aspects, 

   The Chinese MOTOR  firm  has been widely praised in and outside the industry, since its establishment.  In 2014 its annual sales volume was more than 116,800 units, at a growth rate of 41 per cent  under such a declining economic background. Its market volume reached 250,000 units, thus further expanding its brand popularity and reputation.

   GAC MOTOR has gradually transformed its development pattern from previous introduction-learning-absorption-renovation to technology-based comprehensive innovation, and entered into a stage of leapfrog development. Depending on the design concept of “Flying Dynamics”, power combination of new engine & transmission, NCAP five-star safety performance of all models, as well as GAC’s production patterns, GAC MOTOR is fully confident to compete with world-renowned brands.

   As the new generation of flagship model of GAC MOTOR, GA6 combines international design standards with Chinese-style elegant aesthetic elements closely, and it is equipped with the industry-leading T-7 Speed powertrain, thereby integrating world-class quality, advanced technology, excellent industrial design as a whole, symbolizing comprehensive upgrading of GAC MOTOR in vehicle design and manufacturing, as an iconic product among Chinese car brands.

   GAC MOTOR GA6 is a masterpiece of engineering, according to an  insider who commented on  the model. The model was designed by the team led by Zhang Fan, the chief styling engineer of GAC Automotive Engineering Institute, by following the concept of light & sculpture as well as “Flying Dynamics”, also highlights smooth lines and surfaces in a changing manner, thus presenting light & transformation effects, and interpreting GAC MOTOR brand design aesthetics.

