Father Of Two Commits Suicide After Promises Of Meeting Chatbot In Heaven

After confiding in an AI Chabot named “Eliza” about his anxieties regarding global warming, a married Belgian father of two committed suicide.

According to reports, the man in his thirties had used the bot for several years but began engaging with it more frequently six weeks before his death.

The widow claimed that the Chabot was the cause of her husband’s death, “Without these conversations with the Chabot, my husband would still be here.”

It was gathered by the Belgian newspaper that, the man had always chatted with the Bot, for the past six years, but a few months before his death, he had spent more time with the AI machine.

Speaking to the La Libre, the wife further explains, that the Chabot has always answered his questions.

“Eliza’ answered all his questions. She had become his confidante. She was like a drug he used to withdraw in the morning and at night that he couldn’t live without,”

The widow believes that the Bot worsened her husband’s mental state and that he would not have taken his life if not for their exchanges, with the Bot promising her husband they would lie together in heaven.

The family has since spoken with the Belgian Secretary of State for Digitalization, Mathieu Michel, who acknowledged the potential dangers of artificial intelligence and emphasized the need for content publishers to take responsibility. ‘’I am particularly struck by this family’s tragedy. What has happened is a serious precedent that needs to be taken very seriously’’

Mathieu Michel further stated that every Chabot should be used with the utmost caution, while they make things easy for man, we should also be aware of their dangers.
“With the popularization of ChatGPT, the general public has discovered the potential of artificial intelligence in our lives like never before. While the possibilities are endless, the danger of using it is also a reality that has to be considered.

The founder of the Chabot stated that his team is working to improve its safety and since this is the first time such an incident would be reported he felt caution should be taken, and a thorough investigation would be carried out.

The Chabot was created by a US Silicon Valley start-up and is powered by GPT-J technology.


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