Fashomi’s Kofi Atiemo-Gyan’s Beyond The Obstacles for launch

Kofi Atiemo-Gyan’s Beyond The Obstacles, a book written by a distinguished Nigerian newspaper editor and online publisher, Dele Fashomi, is set for launch in Lagos.

The event, which holds at Airport Hotels, Lagos, on Tuesday, February 23, will be streamed on zoom.

Beyond the Obstacles is an amazing and interesting book for lovers of good biographies. It is a moving story of the life of a Ghanaian international lawyer, human rights activist and fighter for people’s freedoms and independence of the judiciary.

It is an account of Atiemo-Gyan’s challenging and difficult childhood and survival, his courage to speak to power, even to the most dreadful military regime of Ft-Lt Jerry Rawlings; escape from Ghana into exile in Nigeria and his pardon after 22 years as well as his politics across the borders of Ghana and Nigeria. These are intriguing phases of not only Atiemo-Gyan’s engaging life, but also of the different and significant political and socio-economic periods in both Ghana and Nigeria, the two country’s he loves with passion.

The book is a gripping story full of suspense from its opening chapters to the end, beginning with Atiemo-Gyan’s Face-to-Face With the Military. What happens after his from Ghana is also a demonstration of how fate works to his purposes, and opens for him unlimited opportunities and endless possibilities as he meets the right people and at the right time, including the late renowned human rights lawyer, Chief Gani Fawehinmi and billionaire who owns the Premier Lotto Betting business in Nigeria, Chief Kessington Adebutu.

Now an octogenarian, Atiemo-Gyan’s life teaches young people never to give up, but be courageous even in the face of daunting challenges. Also, that education, both formal and informal, is key to life: indeed, without the benefit of care of a father and mother, he was admitted to school based on his brilliance; he went through school and excelled and later became a reputed international lawyer; survived his exile and returned to Ghanaian politics a major player in the ruling National Peoples Party, which produced incumbent President Nana Akuffo-Ado, who is into his second term of four years.


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