‘Fashion is an art form that allows us to express our creativity’

Kingsley Ameye

Kingsley Ameye and Julienna Eyimofe love to express themselves through clothing and accessories. Boasting a formal training in fashion design, Ameye and Eyimofe’s individual exploration of new trends and techniques have equipped them to create unique and high-quality pieces that stand out from the crowd.

According to Ameye, they chose to be fashion designers because they savour the process of creating something beautiful from the scratch.

“Fashion is an art form that allows us to express our creativity and share our vision with the world. It is a dynamic and ever-evolving industry that keeps us on our toes. In fact, we decided to collaborate and establish our fashion brand, Bellescape, because we share a similar vision and values. We complement each other’s strengths, and we work well together as a team,” he explained.

Speaking on the uniqueness of Bellescape as a fashion brand, Ameye explained that the brand is all about creating beautiful and functional clothing and accessories that showcase attention to details and commitment to quality craftsmanship.

“Bellescape is not only unique for its creativity, it also ranks first amongst equals. We love how fashion can evoke emotion and tell a story using colour, texture and shape. Therefore, at Bellescape, we experiment with different fabrics, textures and colours to create pieces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional,” he noted.

Meanwhile, as a fashion designer, dealing with difficult clients can be challenging, but for the Bellescape duo, they always strive to remain professional and empathetic.


“We listen to the client’s concerns and try to offer solutions that meet their needs while also staying true to our design vision,” Eyimofe noted.

Every individual has memorable or regrettable experiences. For the Bellescape designers, however, their most memorable experience was seeing one of their pieces on the runway for the first time.

“It was a thrilling and surreal moment to see our vision come to life, and receive positive feedback from the audience,” the designers enthused.

As fashion entrepreneurs, the Bellescape duo faces various challenges, ranging from limited access to funding and resources, to competition from established brands. But then, they are always looking for ways to overcome these challenges and grow their brand.

Though a rough terrain, for Ameye and Eyimofe, the journey to fashion entrepreneurship has been exciting. Now, they look up to the future, hoping to continue creating unique and high-quality pieces that connect with people on a visual and emotional level.

“We are excited to see where this journey takes us, and what new opportunities and challenges come our way,” Ameye stated.


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