FAAN, Bi-Courtney move to end MMA2 concession face-off

Murtala Muhammed Airport Terminal II, Lagos

The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) and Bi-Courtney Aviation Services Limited (BASL) have hinted of the likelihood of ending the concession face-off surrounding the Murtala Muhammed Airport Terminal II (MMA2), Lagos.

The two parties, during FAAN management’s condolence visit to the Babalakins in Lagos at the weekend to sympathise with them over the passing of Justice Bolarinwa Babalakin, agreed to deepen ties as important partners in the service and growth of aviation in the country.

At stake in the long-awaited reconciliation are the resumption of regional flight services at MMA2, resolution of financial differences between the parties and better reputation for the Federal Government, angling to concession the big for airports, to the private sector.

The terminal, which is the premier concession in local aviation and best-ran in Nigeria, has since May 2007, been a subject of protracted controversy between BASL and FG/FAAN over concession tenure and amortisation, with FAAN insisting on 12 years operation period, while BASL sticks to 36 years agreed in the pact.

FAAN’s Managing Director, Captain Rabiu Yadudu, said it was time for the frosty relationship to take a friendly turn.

He stated that it was natural for partners, friends and even family members to have differences, and subsequently find ways to resolve them.

“And for us as FAAN, even for Bi-Courtney and any other individual, we are all humans and Nigerians. We never try to forget that and this (FAAN) management team tries to cultivate that in all we do.

“At this time, we must work with people that are working with us. Relationship is first. We are doing the same thing, delivering service to Nigerians and adding value to the industry, so we must be improving the ties,” Yadudu added.

BASL Chairman, Babalakin, was glad to receive the visitors.

He said the Federal Government had done something similar, by deploying a high-powered delegation for the burial of the late jurist.

The senior lawyer noted: “And now for our own partner, FAAN, to deem it fit to come and pay us condolence, it is moving, it is touching and we are extremely grateful. And the relationship you have referred to from this day will become better and we would come to understand each other in a better way, for the furtherance of the business we do and to enhance human relations,” Babalakin said.


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