Experts seek new strategy to bridge gender gap in lCT

bridging gender gap in ICT

A lecturer at the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Prof. Theresa Kaankuka, has expressed concerns that the journey of empowering girls in the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) world is fraught with challenges, yet brimming with opportunities for transformative change, noting that there was a need for new strategy including policy change.

She stated this at the investiture of the second chairman of the Association of Professional Women Engineers (APWEN) Makurdi chapter, Mrs. Dooshima Mbapuun.

Kaankuka, who spoke on the theme: “Empowering the girl child in ICT: challenges, opportunities and strategies”, argued that by leveraging educational initiatives, fostering participation in tech-related events, harnessing digital platforms for learning, and highlighting successful female leaders, stakeholders can pave the way for greater inclusion and gender diversity within the ICT sector.

She explained that bridging the gender gap in the ICT sector requires a multifaceted approach that addresses systemic barriers, provides targeted support, fosters industry collaboration, and advocates policy change.

According to her, it is imperative to issue a call to action for stakeholders across sectors to prioritise girl children’s empowerment in the ICT sector, adding that empowering girls in the ICT world is not just a matter of equity; but a prerequisite for building a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

“By harnessing the talent, creativity, and innovation of girls and women in ICT, we can drive social progress, economic development, and technological innovation on a global scale. Together, let us build a future where every girl can thrive and contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous society. Let this only be a goal but a reality in the digital age,” she said.

The APWEN National President, Dr Adebisi Osim, said the girl child, particularly in the field of ICT, faces numerous challenges that often hinder her from realising her full potential. These, she noted include, societal biases, limited access to educational resources, and a lack of role models in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields can all contribute to the gender gap in ICT.

She reiterated that APWEN is committed to leading the charge in addressing challenges and empowering the girl child in ICT and will continue to develop and implement strategies that will open doors for girls and women in this dynamic and ever-evolving field.

Osim assured that the new chairperson, Mrs. Doshima brings with her a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to the cause of empowering women in engineering and beyond, adding that her leadership will undoubtedly propel the chapter to greater heights and lead with integrity.


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