Experts harp on need to curb air pollution, eliminate COVID-19 indoors

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In a bid to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, especially with the deadly third variant, experts have stressed the need to curb air pollution indoors.

This is also in response to a United Nations findings that reiterates that indoor air pollution is a global public emergency, stating that over 4.2 million people die yearly from air pollution.

Business Development Manager, Viarmor Healthcare Limited, Lawal Oyetunde, who explained the level of risks associated with air pollution especially in this part of the world, said: “We have seen an increase in the time we all get to spend indoors these days, however, what most of us are not aware of are the substances we are exposed to indoors that are harmful to our health and general well-being.

“The effect of inhaling atmospheric aerosol particles suspended in the atmosphere of the earth, dust, pollen, mold, combustion particles, organic compounds, metals, and bacteria have been widely proven to result to asthma, lung cancer, respiratory diseases, premature delivery, and birth defects amongst many others.”

Oyetunde cited a report, which ranked Lagos 127 out of 50,000 most polluted city in the world.

He said Viarmor, in collaboration with Ultimus, has proffered a solution by creating Aura Air purifier, which has an app to detect pollution and has user-friendly interface and disinfection.

He said the air purifier has been clinically tested to kill COVID-19 indoors and can act as a smoke detector.

Oyetunde said it also has a B2B interface where all purifiers in a space can be connected and monitored with one screen.

The Product Director, Viarmor Healthcare Limited, Mr. Elvis Krivokuća, highlighted the features and benefits of the Aura Air purifier.

“We are infusing technology with healthcare as this smart device is data-driven and uses user behaviour algorithm through the Aura Air app to purify the air quality within a space. It removes contaminants from the air in a room to improve indoor air quality. It is a new era of air purification and disinfection technology.

He said Aura Air targets and disinfects 99.9 per cent of viruses, bacteria, mold, and volatile organic compounds.

Krivokuća added that it purifies the air by eliminating harmful pollutants such as ozone, nitrogen dioxide, volatile organic compounds – formaldehyde, benzene and toluene.

He further said that the product cleanses circulated air, gets rid of dust, debris, and contaminants such as pollen, dust mite, pet dander and insects.

On his part, the President, Ultimus Holdings, Dr. Ifeanyi Odii, emphasised the essence of the “Clean Air” campaign, saying, since the detection of the novel coronavirus and a countless number of harmful substances causing air pollution, which humans are exposed to on a daily basis, the world’s entire healthcare system has been thrown into a chaotic state.

He said this has birthed the need for effective medical technologies and initiatives to mitigate against the rise and efficacy of this virus and other types of viruses that are harmful to the human body.

Odii, who was represented by the Vice President, Mr. David Ewemie, said in a bid to meet our set objective, they are proud to launch the “Clean Air” campaign in Nigeria.

“We hope to do this by introducing ‘Aura Air Purifier’, the world’s smartest air management platform,” he said.

Speaking on the company’s decision to support the Nigerian Armed forces on its upcoming Sahel Military Games, Odii said: “The Nigerian Armed Forces play a significant role in ensuring the security of the nation and they risk their lives on a daily basis in their discharge of their duties. This is why we are delighted to have their representatives here with us and present them with some of the Aura Air purifier devices as well as the cash sum of N50 million to support the upcoming 2021 Sahel Military games.”


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