‘Every woman should have the power to say no’

Oyiza Yakubu Hope is an Akwa Ibom-based indigene of Kogi State, Nigeria, who has dedicated her life to advocating against human trafficking. As the founder of Luna Foundation, her mission is focused on repatriating and reintegrating trapped victims of human trafficking. Presently, the organisation consists of 182 survivors, which includes nine newborn babies, eight pregnant women, 120 females, and 45 males.

Yakubu leads a team of 18 dedicated volunteers who provide support and assistance to the survivors. Her commitment to this cause stems from her deep-rooted belief in human rights and justice. Yakubu’s work involves coordinating rescue missions, providing shelter, counselling, vocational training, and legal assistance to survivors, empowering them to rebuild their lives and regain their independence.

Yakubu’s relentless efforts in the fight against human trafficking have earned her recognition and respect in her community and beyond. She serves as an inspiring example of compassion, resilience, and dedication, inspiring others to join her in making a difference in the lives of those affected by this heinous crime. In this interview with ESTHER IJEWERE, she shares her story and passion for advocacy.

Childhood Influence
As a child, I loved humanitarian work, from a distance, I loved getting the desired help and this made me volunteer for an organisation in 2010, immediately after secondary school. I volunteered with the Salvation Army, Nigeria (HIV/AIDS) department and we would travel across the country for sensitisation campaigns. My mum was very supportive of me even when I was so young, after that, I volunteered with Daughters of Charity, St. Vincent de Paul, where I went to different villages to run HIV tests and later became an adherence counsellor for HIV positive patients.

Inspiration Behind Luna Foundation
Luna foundation wasn’t my goal in the first place, all I wanted was for people to know what was going on with migrants in Libya, I started using my platform to share not until I came across relatives of missing persons in Libya, then it occurred to me that I could use my experience to bring a group of volunteers together to search from missing persons, get them out of traffickers’ grip and restore hope to the family.

The Journey So Far
The journey has been stressful and fruitful as well, there are days I want to run away and leave everything behind but when I look at the results so far, I want to do more. We presently have two camps in Libya housing 182 individuals and a total of 36 are expected to join us anytime soon, we have also been able to provide answers to 49 relatives about their missing ones. We are currently looking at working in Ghana, and Egypt as well.

Being At The Forefront Of Reintegrating Trapped Victims Of Human Trafficking
Working with the victim has shown me that life is deep and people are stronger than what I give credit for, it has taught me to be holistic and always think on my feet which is one of my greatest strengths. For victims who have relatives they can trust, we encourage them to stay with the relatives and only share their stories when they feel it’s right, we also encourage them to share their story after undergoing psychology evaluation, this is to prevent them from having a breakdown due to the harsh judgement from the world.

As the lead founder, it’s extremely scary because traffickers see me as a threat and try to frustrate my efforts. I have to be extremely security conscious, provide answers, and be exposed to different gory images and videos, it takes extra grace to keep on.

My Work-Life-Balance Routine As a Single Mother
As a single mother to a vibrant and energetic five-year-old, balancing the demands of work and parenthood can be a challenging juggling act. However, I have embraced this challenge with determination and resilience, developing effective strategies to navigate the complexities of my daily life. One of the key tools in my arsenal is a meticulously crafted timetable that serves as my guiding compass through the whirlwind of responsibilities. Each day is carefully mapped out, allowing me to allocate time for work commitments, household tasks, and quality moments with my child. This structured approach helps me maintain a sense of order and control amidst the chaos, ensuring that no essential task is overlooked or neglected. In addition to my organisational efforts, I am fortunate to have the unwavering support of my brother, whose physical presence provides a much-needed lifeline on particularly challenging days. Whether it’s lending a helping hand with childcare duties, running errands, or simply offering a listening ear, his support is invaluable in easing the burden and alleviating the strain of solo parenting. Together, we form a formidable team, united in our commitment to creating a nurturing and supportive environment for my child. While the journey of single motherhood may be fraught with its share of hurdles and obstacles, it is also imbued with moments of joy, laughter, and profound love that make every sacrifice worthwhile. Through perseverance, patience, and a steadfast belief in the power of family, I am confident in my ability to overcome any challenge that comes my way.
As I continue to navigate this journey of parenthood and professional growth, I draw strength from the unwavering bond that exists between myself, my child, and my supportive brother, knowing that together, we are capable of weathering any storm.

What Government Should Put In Place To End human trafficking?
I strongly advocate for the government to prioritise and amplify awareness campaigns targeting rural villages, particularly focusing on educating local religious leaders. In many communities, these leaders hold significant influence and sway over the beliefs and decisions of their congregations, making them particularly vulnerable to the manipulative tactics employed by traffickers. Rural villages often lack access to reliable information and resources about the dangers of human trafficking, leaving residents susceptible to exploitation and deception. By intensifying awareness campaigns in these underserved areas, the government can empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to protect themselves and their communities from falling victim to trafficking schemes. Furthermore, engaging and educating local religious leaders is essential, as they serve as trusted pillars within their communities and can play a pivotal role in disseminating accurate information and dispelling myths and misconceptions about trafficking. By equipping religious leaders with the necessary training and resources, they can serve as advocates for change, leveraging their influence to educate and mobilise their congregations against trafficking.

Additionally, integrating anti-trafficking education into religious teachings and sermons can help raise awareness and foster a culture of vigilance and solidarity within communities. By emphasising the moral imperative of safeguarding human rights and dignity, religious leaders can inspire collective action and social responsibility in the fight against trafficking. Overall, intensifying awareness campaigns and educating local religious leaders are critical components of a comprehensive strategy to combat human trafficking at the grassroots level. By empowering individuals with knowledge and mobilising community leaders as allies in this cause, we can create a safer and more resilient society where exploitation and trafficking have no place.

Empowering Women and Protecting Children: My Vision for a Better World
If you ask me how I will make the world better, I will say this: every woman should have the power to say No, and that power should be respected. Women face so many challenges and pressures that often strip away their autonomy and control over their own lives. I want to change that. I want to empower women to stand up for themselves, to assert their rights, and to make choices that are best for them without fear of judgment or reprisal. And when it comes to children, I just want them to be kids. They shouldn’t have to carry the weight of adult responsibilities or be forced into situations beyond their years.

Childhood is precious, and every child deserves the chance to explore, learn, and grow without the burdens of adulthood weighing them down. That’s my vision for a better world: one where women have the power to shape their destinies, and children are free to enjoy the innocence and wonder of childhood.

Being A Woman Of Rubies
I am a woman of ruby because I have turned my pain to purpose, I have turned my lemon to wine. While I was brutally sexually assaulted and stabbed, I have decided to use that experience to ensure no woman has to go through that again just because she wants to make ends meet. I am a woman of rubies because, through my pain, I have seen purpose.

Women Who Inspire Oyiza Yakubu
When reflecting on the women who inspire me, my late mother, Olufunmilayo, stands out as the epitome of strength and resilience. Her unwavering determination and unwavering support have always been a source of inspiration for me. Whenever I face challenges, I find solace in asking myself, “What would my mother do?” Her memory continues to guide me on my journey, reminding me of the power of perseverance and love. Additionally, I am deeply grateful for the influence of Elder Olabisi-Ajai in my life. Despite not knowing me personally, she provided me with a platform to grow and thrive. Her generosity and belief in my potential bolstered my confidence and fueled my determination to make a difference. Elder Olabisi-Ajai’s selflessness serves as a reminder of the importance of lifting others up and creating opportunities for growth and empowerment. These remarkable women have left an indelible mark on my life, shaping me into the person I am today. Their examples of strength, compassion, and resilience continue to inspire me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in the world.
