Enugu Govt Criminalises Trading Along Rail Tracks

ENUGU State government says it would henceforth prosecute any person putting up illegal structures or conducts trading activities along rail tracks in the state, adding that the transformation of the transport sector in the state is still on steam.

     The state commissioner of transport, Dr. Barth Ezugwu, who handed down the warning on Friday, during a meeting with stakeholders in the transport industry, observed with dismay that some individuals have opened up private parks along rail tracks.

     Ezugwu regretted that some people were taking advantage of the current electioneering period in the state to undermine the achievements of the Sullivan Chime administration, stressing that the state government was determined to continue the transformation of transport system in the State in line with its 4-Point Agenda.

     He disclosed that officials of ministry would begin the ejection of all those encroaching on the rail tracks through illegal trading or other commercial activities, especially the conversion of the rail lines to mass transit parks and construction of shanties.

     The commissioners added that, apart from the environmental hazards posed by the illegal structures along rail lines, it is dangerous for pedestrians or other unauthorised users to trade or trek along rail tracks saying that the revitalisation of the rail transport, have made those practices very dangerous.

    “The federal government has gone the extra mile in restoring the glory of rail transport. On our part, we are not relenting on the transformation of the transport sector under the 4 Point Agenda of the State Government. So, we cannot fold our arms and watch the truncation of this effort,” he declared.

     Dr. Ezugwu further reminded the transport stakeholders that they ought to operate from few meters away from the rail line axes saying that it was now an offence “to trek, trade or build within the areas, for safety of lives and property”.

    He enjoined the leaders of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, (NURTW) to organize sensitization and enlightenment workshops for their members on traffic rules and regulations saying that it was possible that some of them may have forgotten the meanings of road markings and signs, for their safety and that of their passengers and pedestrians.

