End our 11-yr pain, pay our compensation, Oyo-Ogbomoso road dualisation victims tell FG

Victims during the press conference.

Affected residents and structure owners along the stretch of the Oyo-Ogbomoso axis of Oyo State have called on the Federal Government to pay their over ten-year-old compensation amounting to over N2.8 billion since the commencement of the dualisation of the Oyo-Ogbomoso section of the Ibadan-Ilorin new expressway.

They had protested the refusal of the Federal Government to pay them over N2.8billion balance of their compensation since 2011. The affected property owners converged on a facility at Ajilete community, Gambari, in Ogbomoso, Oyo State and appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to prevail on the minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, to ensure the payment of the balance of their compensation.

They said the same thing happened when second approval of N2,028,590,717.90, was obtained, as the whole amount was used to pay part of the compensation.

They argued that while some claimants had received the appropriate compensation, many of them were yet to do so.

“We seize this opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) via its approval of MEMO EC (2021) 248 to invest in the reconstruction of selected ongoing Federal roads under the Federal Government Road Infrastructure Development and Refurbishment Investment Tax Credit Scheme from the NNPC. It is in the public domain that all necessary compensation, including other expenses were taken care of in NNPC’s funding and all the listed projects are to pay outstanding expenses.

“Notwithstanding the provision of fund (including payment of compensation), for reasons best known to the minister for the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, his ministry decided to single out compensation from being paid to the Project Affected People (PAP) along Oyo-Ogbomoso Road project. That is the reason why, out of deep frustration that we are gathered here today to express our displeasure to the attitude of the Federal Government, through its Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, for not paying us compensation for the portion of structures and crops that were affected by the dualisation exercise of Oyo-Ogbomosho Road construction.

“As law abiding citizens, who are receptive to the growth and development of every sector of the economy, we are not averse to this laudable project, which is aimed at bringing respite to motorists and reduce the accident rate on this hitherto deadly road. However, our grouse with the government particularly the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, is its attitude and the political rigmarole being employed in paying compensation to the remaining affected persons along Oyo-Ogbomoso Road,” the statement read. By

The statement further stated that the “grand total of compensation claim is N4, 881, 901, 765.68. Amount paid so far is N2,019,887,275.38; while the outstanding balance is put at N2, 862, 014, 490.30.”

In his appeal, one of the victims, Johnson Ayoola Iretiayo, stated that “I live at Sooro, Oke Sabo, Oyo. For many of us, we have lost our buildings following the Federal Government’s dualisation of the road. They promised us compensation. We have been waiting for this compensation. Many of us have died while waiting for the compensation. The suffering has not stopped. We are pleading with the Federal Government to have mercy on us so that the rest of us will not die the way others did.”

For Sarah Aderounmu, another claimant: “I live at Sabo, Oyo. We lost so many plantations, cash crops and various properties as a result of the dualisation.

The Federal Government had gone into an agreement with us that we would be compensated. How then would the government then say that it is now the responsibility of the Oyo State government to pay us the compensation? It is sad. We are Nigerians and our rights should be respected.”

David Oladayo Alakasu painted a pathetic picture of the situation: “I live in Ogbomoso. The dualisation of the road is a good thing, but it should not be a burden to us. We have lost so much. Some of them got compensated, while many of us are yet to get anything. We are pleading with the government to give us our money. The houses have been marked since 2011; some have been demolished. People no longer rent our houses because of the situation. We have also lost farmlands.”

Some of the victims decried their current realities just as they called on the Federal Government to among other things, ensure the “immediate payment of outstanding compensation to structure and crops owners along Oyo-Ogbomoso road project. Immediate reversal of the two memos which purportedly emanated from the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing directing stoppage of compensation by its Ministry and transferring such function to state government of which the state government is not privy to. Payment of interest accruing on the compensation sum from 2011 till date at bank rate as provided in the Land Use Act, Cap L5, LFN, 2004.”


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