Eid-el-Kabir: Prophet Alo charge Nigerians on sacrifice, love for country

Prophet Sam Olu Alo

Prophet Sam Olu Alo

As Muslims celebrate Eid-el-Kabir, the renowned man of God, Prophet Sam Olu Alo has stressed the need for Nigerians to continue to make sacrifices that are necessary for nation building.

Prophet Olu Alo, the Planter of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Adamimogo, Grace Of Mercy Prayer Mountain World-wide, felicitated with Muslims in Ekiti State and in the country at large as they celebrate this year’s sallah.

The cleric in his goodwill message issued by personal assistant Deji Ogunbusuyi urged the Muslim Ummah and Nigerians generally to imbibe the lessons of dedication and obedience to higher authority as demonstrated in Prophet Ibrahim’s preparedness to sacrifice his son in obedience to the instructions of Allah.

He charged Nigerians to continue to pray for the revival of the country economy and end to the present economic hardship the country saying assuring that a lasting solution would come through divine intervention.

Advising the Muslim Ummah to always uphold the lessons of love, loyalty and sacrifice which are the hallmark of sallah celebration, he said the festival offers the opportunity for sober reflection and spiritual renewal which Allah demands from the faithful.

Prophet Olu Alo also counselled Muslim faithful and adherents of other religions to continue to live in peace with one another and to always demonstrate love and understanding towards one another in the quest for a greater and more prosperous Nigeria.

“We can collectively confront our challenges as a nation and build a truly peaceful and prosperous Nigeria by acknowledging the supremacy of God, demonstrating genuine love and respect for one another and commitment to peaceful co-existence.

“It is only through love for one another and commitment to peace, security and stability that the country can progress towards the fulfilment of its great potentials as a nation”, he said.

He further urged them not to relent in praying for the success of President Bola Timubu administration as it is striving to create a prosperous nation that all will be proud of.

“I extend warm greetings to the Muslim Ummah in Ekiti State and Nigeria at large as they celebrate Eid-el-Kabir festival. Eid-el-Kabir is an occasion to celebrate the love of God. It is a season of charity, making peace and celebration of our common heritage as God’s children.

“Though the economic challenges has to some extent constrained in celebrating the festival to the fullest, we must not forget to reach out to the poor and the needy among us in line with God’s injunction to be our brother’s keeper”.

“We all know what we are in a difficult and daunting time. As we confront our challenges and difficulties, we are invited to emulate sacrifice and faith in our daily lives.

“In these difficult time, let us be buoyed by faith and retain the hope that together we can make things better. Let us embrace the lesson of sacrifice and uphold peace and goodwill towards all.

“We should be hopeful that things shall get better under President Tinubu’s hegemony. The economic policies might be hurting, but we have the inkling that the future shall be greater.

“With humility, I congratulate you and wish you a rewarding time as you sojourn in this religious adventure that will further boost your faith in Allah with this celebration.”

He however pray for Muslims that travel to Mecca that as they go safely, they will come back, urging the to remember Nigeria in their prayers in Mecca.

