EFCC nabs two with counterfeit $81,700


Operatives in the Kaduna Zonal Command of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) have arrested two foreign currency traffickers in the State, Abdullahi Yahaya and Ibrahim Haruna in the Kaduna metropolis for alleged involvement in counterfeiting dollars.

Upon arrest, a total sum of $81,700, all in a fake $100 denomination, was found in their possession.

During interrogation, Haruna claimed that the counterfeit dollars were delivered to him some months back for safe-keeping by one Babangida said to now be at large.

Yahaya on his part, claimed that he got to know that Haruna possessed fake dollars when one Kabiru, also said to be at large, connected him to Haruna to collect the fake dollars for delivery to a buyer who was waiting at an agreed location.

Spokesman of EFCC in Kaduna Zone, Delete Oyewale said that “other items found in their possession as at the time of arrest included a small quantity of colourless substance, suspected to be mercury, a chemical allegedly being used to aid the production of fake dollars.”

According to him, “the suspects will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.”

Meanwhile, the members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has commended the EFCC for its Professionalism, as they pledged their support to the anti-graft agency.

The EFCC received the commendation when the officials of Nigerian Bar Association, (NBA) Kaduna State Branch paid a courtesy visit to the Kaduna Zonal Command of the EFCC.

Led by its Chairman, Godwin Ochai, the lawyers used the occasion to pledge their support to the Commission’s anti-corruption fight and also congratulated the recently appointed EFCC’s Acting Zonal Director, Kaduna Zonal Command, DCE Dr. Benedict Ubi.

In his response, Ubi expressed gratitude for the visit and thanked the lawyers for their pledge of support to the Commission in the pursuit of its mandate. He enjoined them to be forthcoming with credible information that will aid the anti-corruption fight.



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