Edo guber: Arrest vandals of campaigns billboards in Edo, signage association tells police

Vandalised campaign billboards in Edo. Photo:Tribuneonline

Following coordinated vandalism of campaign billboards/materials by political opponents, the Association of Professional Outdoor Signage Practitioners of Nigeria (APOSPON), Edo State, yesterday, called on the Police and other security agencies to wade in and arrest vandals involved in the act.

The association also called on those behind the act to desist forthwith, saying: “We are non-political, neither are we discriminatory in accepting campaigns/advert messages, as long as they meet the criteria.”
Briefing newsmen in Benin City, Chairman of APOSPON, Edo State, Esokpunwu Dave, said that the advert structures and billboards are under attack.
He called on those vandalising and destroying campaigns/advert messages deployed on its billboards to desist from the act.
He said: “These structures are our investments, and they are capital intensive. The same can be said of our clients who spend so much money producing advert materials deployed on our structures.” 
“We cannot fold our hands and watch our investments being destroyed. We are, therefore, activating every device to protect our investments and source of livelihood from going down the drain.  
“We would also like to use this medium to humbly call on the Nigeria Police and other security outfits in the state to watch out for vandals and apprehend them.” 


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