Economic hardship: Senator Umar urges Nigerians to remain resolute

Senator Sadiq Umar, Senator representing Kwara North.

The Senator representing Kwara North, Sadiq Umar, has pleaded with Nigerians to remain resolute in the face of the ongoing economic hardship.

Fielding questions from newsmen in Ilorin at the weekend, the lawmaker said he is aware that the federal government under President Bola Tinubu is exploring all measures to overcome the reality.

According to him, it is either Nigerians face it now and smile later or be trapped in the usual fake and painted scenario that has never done them any notable good.

Saying: “no pain; no gain,” the legislator disclosed that he and the entire National Assembly are doing their best to assist the president in revamping the nation’s economy.

He stated that he shared the plight of Nigerians’ experience in the fuel subsidy removal, the foreign exchange palaver, and the electricity tariff hike policies that have continued to make life uneasy for the people.

Sadiq however justified the recent liberalisation of the electricity sector which he described as “the only way to go,” adding that: “the situation is worrisome because even the existing power distributors can’t generate 30 per cent of the needed supply.”

He lamented that Nigerians now trek distances rather than board vehicles to their destinations, “it is not that we don’t know or see, their plights are centered on determination to weather the storm and come out victorious after which we shall be in our right position”.

Sadiq however rallied support for a Kwara North governor in 2027, hinting that it is only by this that there can be true harmony in the state.

“We are agitating for Kwara State harmony, we can’t do it alone that is why we have reached out to other zones for understanding and support so that there can be even and harmonious representation since we have never had it since inception,” he said.

The legislator commended Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq for exceeding the barrier in progressive governance that cut across all sectors in Kwara State.


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