Eco2ruppers mobilises over $250 billion in Nigeria, others on climate finance annually

To address the devastating effects of climate change, Eco2ruppers Africa have put in place strategies aimed at mobilizing over $250 billion in climate financing in Nigeria and other African countries.

Victor Wilkinson Agih, the Eco2ruppers sustainable finance and circular economy expert in a statement made available to the Guardian in Abuja explained that the initiative aims to raise the monies through innovative domestic resource mobilization mechanisms.

He said with an estimated continent-wide funding gap of $2.5 trillion for African countries’ NDCs, ECO2RUPPERS represents a bold and ambitious response to the challenge.

Referring to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and prolonged droughts that have wreaked havoc on communities and ecosystems, threatening livelihoods and exacerbating food insecurity, he assured that his outfit is poised to lead the charge towards a net-zero sustainability transition across the continent.

He said it is unfortunate that Africa stands at a critical crossroads, facing the brunt of the climate crisis despite emitting the lowest levels of greenhouse gas emissions globally.

He further stated that by leveraging sustainable financing solutions through its sustainability action marketplace, the initiative will channel investments into projects that promote ecosystem restoration and conservation, clean energy development, sustainable agriculture, among other critical investment areas.

He disclosed that ECO2RUPPERS is set to create 25 million green jobs across the continent through its Pan-African Global Green Goals Marshalls program.

He added: “By harnessing the direct and indirect employment creation benefits of climate finance, the initiative seeks to empower communities and drive inclusive economic development.

“ECO2RUPPERS Africa is committed to delivering tangible environmental and social benefits to communities across Africa.

“Advancing universal health coverage with 500 million healthcare wallets, incentivizing 250 million green volunteers, distributing 250 million clean cook stoves, and launching a Pan-African plastic recycling program for 250 million tons of plastic, the initiative aims to improve livelihoods and foster sustainable lifestyles.

“The launch of the ECO2RUPPERS project comes at a pivotal moment for Africa, as countries across the continent ramp up their efforts to address climate change and achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

“The ECO2RUPPERS Africa initiative stands as a testament to Africa’s commitment to sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

“By harnessing the power of innovation and collaboration, ECO2RUPPERS Africa is poised to catalyze positive change and jumpstart a greener, cleaner and more prosperous future for Africa and the African people.”

